Daithí Ó Crualaoich Profile picture
Software Engineer.

Apr 18, 2019, 63 tweets

Day 22 Carrión de los Condes to Sahagún

Busted out of the albergue and surprised a young couple kissing on the street!

Long distance again today.

It is dark af.

It is completely dark. Those dots are cars on the motorway.

Bit brighter now.

This Roman road is long and straight.

This stupid road just won’t end.

Oh nice! More of this road.

Yup! More road!

The never ending road finally ends.

Yeah, a helicopter just buzzed me.

Not hobbits.

And a garlic soup tapas too!

Final 6km in the rain!

This is good rain. I give it 5/10. Best Spanish effort so far.

There’s the province of León. Hello.

Rain has helpfully cleaned a bunch of the mud off my clothes. It’s upgraded to 6/10.

Yup, Irish pub.

Wow, monastery room has a bath.

No Guinness on tap. Not sure they have any Guinness at all. Irish bar licence might be revoked when I tell the consulate about this.

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