Rachel McGonagill Profile picture
Terminal Velocity w/CHF, still a rabblerouser, unabashed liberal, unexpected asylum wonk, Bipolar #FightLikeAMother Don't suffer fools, gladly or otherwise

May 3, 2019, 17 tweets

This isn't the question we should be asking.

One thing that freaking concerns me about the description of the inside of these temporary tents: guard towers. Guard towers?

They ALSO have 24 hour surveillance equipment, but sure, prison it up, @CBP. 🤬


@CBP Pictures, fam!

For some reason (prolly cuz there aren't any immigrants there yet) CBP let media types have a look around their New Giant Tent at the Donna, Texas POE, where they can detain up to 500 people--mostly families & unaccompanied minors.

Cc: @JeffMerkley Via @nytimes

@CBP @JeffMerkley @nytimes @ifindkarma @axidentaliberal @lfkraus @jomareewade @maydaymindy9 @TheLoyalO @ImmJusticeNOW @LiteraryMouse @TrinityResists @TrisResists The cavernous facility is air conditioned, which is nice--for people who like A/C. The majority of the folks there will be Central Americans. POOR Central Americans. How used to A/C you think they are?

You think there's a reason they called CBP holding the "ice box"? 🤔

@CBP @JeffMerkley @nytimes @ifindkarma @axidentaliberal @lfkraus @jomareewade @maydaymindy9 @TheLoyalO @ImmJusticeNOW @LiteraryMouse @TrinityResists @TrisResists @JynErso_Patriot @DanaScottlo @SusanBChurch11 @Norberta36 @DemocracyStorm @SirineShebaya @asluvsjess @brycetache @BryanDawsonUSA @essenviews The text from the article with that last picture wasn't quite accurate... although the promotional video suggested beds or cots could be laid out in lovely huge grids, the women & children & possibly elderly people, disabled people and everyone else, will be on mats on the floor.

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