sydney 🫶🏻 Profile picture
fan account • 3.12.2020 • 25 • she/her

May 3, 2019, 177 tweets

101. squishy...

102. rest in pieces

103. looks like miss heejin is finally gonna meet the rest of paw patrol

104. on the way to the funeral 😔✊🏻

105. take him for a swim...i- no words Yeojin

106. a celebration of life 🤧

107. two scaredy cats

108. cuties who watch netflix together stay together?

109. i’m not even at ep 5 yet

110. really taking off on soundcloud huh?

111. I support you chae

112. 2jin is that clowning duo ig

113. the stars got nothing on Hyunjin

114. bent neck lady

115. next day

116. feminist! lesbian! vagina!

117. oh jungeun...

118. jinsoul bringing the gays together

119. Hyunjin’s imagination...

120. and I...oop

121. two types of friends, both incredible

122. try to guess what was asterisked

123. contained the wolf

124. next morning...project jinjin (better than hyunhee)

125. any time at hyejoo’s house is a good time

126. she doesn’t respond.

127. summertime sadness?

128. their friendship? goals. literal goals

129. I mean honestly lippie is a mood, but FOCUS ON HEEJIN

130. doug and aaron? only men EVER

131. project jinjin is a go

132. okay so maybe not jinjin,,,but viseul?

133. heejin get your sh*t together

134. over with jiwoo and her big ass camera

135. spare coin pls

136. concert is almost over now

137. full circle

138. tgod for hyejoo

139. if there’s any hope left in the world it’s for jungeun being a gay panicky mess

140. a mess literally a mess

141. :(

142. jungeun and hyejoo win the best friend awards

143. poor yeojin doesn’t know what’s going on at ALL

144. it’s not fixed, but it’s better

not an update but that was a lot wasn’t it? anyways let me know what you think, don’t flame me too hard and love you all ty for reading

145. you better, heejin

146. a win for ~almost~ all the gays

147. later that night...a ceasing of function today

148. watch out for fanboys..and me

149. a look at paw patrol RIP yeojin

150. next day || this isn’t fixed either, but it’s a start

151. F the system

152. I’m serious about you

153. forgive

154. pouty petite princesses are winning!

155. hyerim remains on top and unbothered sorry chae

156. so hyunjin AND yeojin have been kept out of the loop

157. yeojin it’s okay to be single 😓

158. can’t make miracles happen ://

159. going 🚀 karaoke

160. these gays 🙄

161. food for thought: name it loona

162. i think about heejin’s sitr rap every day...also lipsoul 🥺

163. me too too

164. good morning

165. MOM

166. only cheesy for you

167. it was the sweatheart skins btw

168. they’re both losers in love

169. wbk jungeun is extra as hell

170. ~my one and oonlyy~

171. going 🚀 party

172. hyunjin? a confident gay?

173. oop yeah no hyunjin is still a panicked gay

174. let’s check on hyerim...this is why-

175. no games tho :/

176. a tragedy luhv

177. my queen 🥺

178. we been knew. periodt.

179. sissy can’t hold her alcohol

180. oop the drunk texting

181. jungeun and heejin: emotional drunks

182. drunk actions are sober thoughts?

183. sorry chris hemsworth...hyejoo is gay

184. heejin is a dumb gay. no cap.

185. get those soundcloud remixes out chae

186. hyunjin checking up on heejin uwu

187. oof 🤡 except she does you i dot

188. they did it for the gays and in honor of pride month

189. ya think hyun?

190. blue is in fact a flavor, but chae has a point

191. they’re gross, but in a cute way

192. can chae get a break can she PLS get a break

193. chip and chae otp

194. who’s the favorite princess?

195. bye lippie have fun in tr*mp land

196. my achey breaky heart

197. weeb

198. they do make quite an interesting pair..

199. who’s ready for a wholesome dinner

200. as the wise yeojin said, embrace the gay

201. nervous heejin

202. nervous hyunjin

203. stan jiwoo

204. sooyoung: lesbian jesus or lesbian toenail? i’ll let you, the viewers decide

205. hyejoo just dropping everything for her best friend. that’s GOALS

206. no exposéd shoulders here

207. Dinner Pt.1

208. Dinner pt 2. vet!hyunjin would be cute as hell don’t @ me

209. Dinner pt 3. pops is getting edumacated

210. Dinner pt 4. i love /you/

211. hyejoo isnt having soft hyunjin

212.hyunjin’s duality 😩

213. heejin knows hyunjin so well sksksk

214. these cute little shits

okay so updates haven’t been as frequent lately, but we passed the 200 mark and the dinner is done AND heejin’s dad isnt actually a dick hole 🤩 let me know how you’re liking it thus far! quotes and ccs always make me so happy

215. vip tix damn

216. jinsol is RICH rich ok

217. rambling lip uwu

218. in the morning...these paps

219. what yo fine ass doing up this late

220. lippie is forever a royal. periodt

221. say you won’t let go

222. I won’t let you go

223. and they’re happy!

224. haha just kidding...unless?

225. times have changed ✊🏻

226. enjoy singledom!!!!1!1!1!!1!1!

227. we going party bois

228. truth or dare time

229. NOT on my watch

230. 2jin being soft as usual

231. not even embarrassing...predebut 😌

232. pls not the cursed pic yall know what i’m talking ab

233. chaewon+yeojin?

234. tiny time skip (towards the end of summer yall)

235. captain CRUNCH

236. heejin’s gonna meet hyunjin’s mommmmmmmmmm

237. in the meantime though let’s get back to some good ol hyerim 😖🥰

238. the cursed blue shell

239. Pit was my go to when i played brawl. (pit and snake, but i had to give hyejoo wolf)

240. yerim: soft, plays to have fun
hyejoo: will destroy to win

241. where’s the fun if there’s not a little bit of embarrassment

242. you’re not in trouble with the crown right?

243. fun fact as a child, i too got my head stuck between the railings 😌

244. LET’S TRY THIS AGAIN BC I EFFED UP OK SORRY- spill the coffee 🤧🤧🤧🤧

245. basic MATH

246. legendary

247. prom-y

248. ballposal?


250. i will be THEREEE

251. in the words of demi lovato: “wow she’s really good!”

252. we know hyunjin

253. XD

254. these idiots finally got the right ship name

that’s it for today 🥰 the ball is coming soon and then that’ll be the end! We still got a bit to go though so don’t worry. let me know how you like it so far! if you wanna see anything specific before the end, let me know and i’ll try to write it ❤️

255. you’ve ratted your last tatouille

256. is a furry really better than a weeb though?

257. news has spread to paw patrol

258. most ambitious crossover since the avengers

259. if lipsoul is de*d in real life they will thrive the most in my au don’t @ me

260. one in a billion

261. i love you i love you i love you

262. maybe jungeun’s disguise was TOO good

263. gossip accounts perish challenge

264. mood

265. this is so cracky i’m so sorry

266. taste her chapstick i-

267. a double date over bedwars idk if that’s goals or really lame

268. zombie x zombie bride 2jin?

269. s/o stud heejin. our savior.

270. hyunjin’s brain is up in flames. flames burn things. release BURN :-) but also make sure loona is well rested thank you.

not an update sorry! just giving you all a heads up. i just moved into my dorm and if you didn’t know, i play soccer at my school so we’re in pre season (2 a days waking up at 5:30) that being said i’m pretty exhausted. i’ll still update but probably weekly/when i have time

please stay tuned though 😖 i promise you i will finish this au but let’s just say the updates are delayed but someday very soon

271. really close to the ball now

272. hyejoo developed sass with sooyoung i see...

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