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May 5, 2019, 123 tweets

NEW FIC: Don’t @ Me a #Reylo #textfic. Celebrity AU.


The stans have arrived.

Here it is @katieitsmee


Fuel to the fire.

Rey is avoiding Phasma

The h8rs have arrived

What is Ben up to? Pic Cred: unpleasantpictures tumblr

Poor Phasma and this PR nightmare

Let the sexually charged texting exchanges begin

TMZ ships it 🚢

Stan wars

Hux is not happy


Finn is a reylo

Senator Organa makes an appearance

If you’d like to appear as a stan in this fic - please DM me your tweet and your profile pic.

Leia is a troll

EDIT: this should be Finn’s phone. Too lazy to make the change though. Ya’ll get the gist 👌🏽


A new alliance

Ben is in detention

Rey has a healthy fear of Phasma

Bickering, UST, the usual

Finn is a fan

Why is bae like this?

Date night

Burger empress

Cupcake 🧁

Spotted 👀

Insta "official"

Manip cred: civeditor

Ben Solo is a Mama’s boy

Ben is Rey’s cactus 🌵



Poe enters the plot

Rey is a bit sensitive

Ben is a stupid cactus

Bestie time

Apology drink

Stans are having a meltdown.

Manip cred: didleymanip


True love = Waffle House. Pic Cred:@PoppiWillow

.@WaffleHouse your tweet just made it into this #textfic

What about #stormpilot?

@WaffleHouse is also a #stormpilot in this fic

She’s stuck with 🌵

Poe is wise

Ben is a sad boy

Leia ships it hard

Papa Goose ships it too

Space idiots

I’m sure her crush has “passed”
Pic Cred: Emilee Pinterest

Buzzfeed is a Reylo

Crazy for you .jpg

Meanwhile in stan culture -@pythiatweets


Ben Solo has resting scowl face.

Pic Cred: civieditor

Stans gotta gloat


.@rianjohnson is even a #Reylo in this #textfic

Another sleepover?

A wild #phux appeared

There is no Ben. There is no Rey. Only Reylo.

It’s too early to be an anti, TMZ

Snoke is creepy af

Kissing practice? 🧐


Ben has objectively pillowy lips

*cue careless whisper*

#Reylo fever 🔥🔥🔥

Live tweeting by stans

Foaming at the mouth

He looks like one obvi

Banter = <3

Slowly, then all at once

This love is too real

Ben loves cereal


Finishing each other's sentences

What is Snoke up to?


Cupcakes 🧁


🧁 These two are pure 😁

What does she want?

Casual name change

He’s busy...

Uh oh...

Don’t freak out

Phasma and Hux are clueless

Look what you made me do

Missed calls

Ben is worried

Ben to the rescue

Bridal carry in this fic? More likely than you think.

🍵 this tea is piping hot

The Bazlo stand are fighting

*time stamp should be 21 May 2019

Gah can’t type - *stans

#Stormpilot doing damage control


Poor Finn

🌵 leaves scars

Pic Cred: reylomanips

Bazine ain’t that bad

Snoke is the worst

Unknown number and ice

Early update for @nancylovesreylo and @DagaDagaGada.

What’s going on 🤔

It’s happening


Snoke is a snake 🐍

Mic drop

In a now deleted Instagram post, James Snoke retaliates hard against #Reylo.

Since the beginning


Boy, bye

Ben is still a cactus

The globes! Pic Cred: LadyWhiteRose

FIN: 💏

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