Margot Kushel MD Profile picture
Director @ucsfcvp & @ucsfbhhi Professor Medicine @ucsf & Board member @housingca & @homeless_law Passionate about ending homelessness. Views my own.

May 10, 2019, 16 tweets

Anti racism in action: name racism (it’s not race it’s racism) & interrogate mechanism. Racism creates opened & closed signs in our society. It is difficult to recognize a system of inequity that privileges us Dr @CamaraJones #SGIM19 recognize the 2 sides of the sign!

Racism exists even if we don’t see it. Racism is a SYSTEM of power to structure opportunity & assign value. Based on social interpretation of how one looks

Racism unfairly disadvantages individuals & communities & unfairly advantages others & saps strength of whole society

3 levels of racism: institutionalized, personally mediated & internalizes

Institutionalized racism is differential access to the good, services and opportunities by “race” (ie housing, education, medical facilities, clean environment, info, resources & voice) #SGIM19

Institutionalized racism is WHY we have differences in social class by race (it’s racism, not social class)

Personally-mediated racism is differential assumptions re abilities, motives & intents of others by “race”. Can be unintentional

Internalized racism by stigmatized “races” of negative messages about own abilities & intrinsic worth (whole thread Dr @CamaraJones ) #SGIM19

If you haven’t had the honor of hearing Dr @CamaraJones speak, google her telling the Gardener’s Tale. Please do this!

Addressing the institutionalized racism will address internalized racism & may address personalized racism. The “gardener” has power to decide, act & control of resources. Dangerous when allied w one group

And dangerous when gardener not concerned w equity. We have to talk about history & agency!

We must identify mechanism of racism: structures, policies, practices and values

Barriers to social equity: narrow focus on individual, A-historical stance, myth of meritocracy.

Other barriers: myth of zero sum game & short sighted vision

Our power is in our collective action. Name racism. By not naming it we are complicit in it. We need to become actively anti racist.

Dismantling racism is our urgent task in these turbulent times. Much gratitude to @SocietyGIM @gcsmd & Dr @CamaraJones #SGIM19

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