Calle Börstell Profile picture
Associate professor (førsteamanuensis) of Linguistics @UiB_HF, @UiB 🇸🇪➡️🇳🇴 | Signed languages, #rstats & anything linguistic | Name sign: DUCK🦆 (he/him)

May 17, 2019, 7 tweets

Peter Uhrig on multimodal collostructions

Cline of construction–gesture co-occurrence. Some gestures are bound to and strongly associated with certain cxs, others are independent and combine with any cx

One of the independent ones are "air quotes", which can co-occur with basically anything.
'Like if you go home and your friend tells you: «How was your "business trip" to Prague?»'

There's a cline in synonyms like "chuck/toss/throw" in the likelihood of them being accompanied by a gesture.
(Omg, I'm so excited about this talk you guys! It relates to #ideophone and #iconicity research! ❤️)

The conclusions of my favorite talk so far at #pgsw19! Using the TV News video corpus, and tools like Openpose, speech–gesture collostructions can be identified already, but methods and hypotheses are still being developed.

(I've not been this excited about a conference talk in like ever, especially thinking about the implications and how it relates to so many research topics I'm interested in! Multimodality, iconicity, corpus linguistics, Openpose, ideophones! This is like Xmas! 🎄🎅🎁 #pgsw19)

Just making sure @BodoWinter, @greg_woodin and @MarcusPerlman also know about this work.

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