jikook past lives fic completed! 75k words Profile picture

May 17, 2019, 230 tweets

The Stolen Child Jimin has pretended his whole life. Problem is, he's not sure why he acts this way. Meanwhile, in a fairy kingdom, magic is fading because there is no rightful heir. Jungkook walks the line between court noble and undercover rebel,while searching for the heir.

Jungkook: member of the noble class of fairies in the kingdom. He was raised to serve the current ruler, but hates her tyranny and is working behind the scenes to put an end to the madness. He believes power should be shared, but that the first step is finding the lost prince.

Park Jimin: raised in a group home by a considerate and kind caretaker, Jimin spends all his spare time in the pool, the falls, or pretending he's something he's not. Even he can't explain why he acts like a clown when all he wants is to know his truth.

Seokjin: a fairy who works for the current steward, Jin is Jungkook's friend and the love of Namjoon's life. No one is really sure where his loyalties lie, and that's how he likes it. But when push comes to shove, will he help the rebellion or turn them in?

Yoongi: one of the members of the fairy rebellion looking to overturn the steward. Not a member of the noble class, and no one pays much attention to him. In reality, he is one of the leaders of the rebellion and his plots have disturbed proceedings in the kingdom multiple times.

Namjoon: an eccentric and wealthy fairy of the noble class, Namjoon is fascinated with humanity, specifically its technology. It is his invention that allows human technology to be used by the rebels in Yojeong, which gives them a distinct advantage over the steward.

Hoseok: a friend of Jimin, Hobi is in the field of literature. He knows that Jimin is smarter than he conveys, but is unsure about why there is pretense. He is writing a novel, buried in work, and overwhelmed by his grad classes, but provides as much support for Jimin as he can.

Taehyung: one of Jimin's friends from the group home. Younger than Jimin and is pursuing a degree in social work. He volunteers at homeless shelters and still helps out the old caretaker at the group home. He is aware that Jimin has intelligence, but sees his act as a game.

Supporting cast: Hwasa, Wheein, Yeosang (fairies)

Supporting cast: Jeonghan, Yunho, Hongjoong (group home people)

Part 1: Prologue...

Part 2: rest of prologue

Part 3: tech=namjoon double=jungkook cat=yoongi god=jin child=yeosang

Part 4: continued convo

Part 5: new tech and more about Yeosang

Part 6: Flashback

Part 7: Two different Jimins

Part 8: The swim team

Part 9: the swim team

Part 10: would the real Jimin please stand up?

Part 11: Given a voice

Part 12: Taesang

Part 13: Fairies don't exist....

Part 14: a soul mate date

Part 15: McPherson miracles

Part 16: McPherson miracles part 2

Part 17: duality

Part 18: news and plans

Part 19: plans and flowers

Part 20: meanwhile, Jimin is Jimin

Part 21: soulmates

Part 22: fairy culture

Part 23: plans

Part 24: what did Jimin see?

Part 25: can't blame him for thinking this

Part 26: they're taking the hobbits to Isengard

Part 27: the other sides reaction

Part 28: the other sides reaction part 2

Part 29: Yoongi and his better half

Part 30: JUNGKOOK is going along

Part 31: JUNGKOOK is going along and Yoongi and Namjoon are in love...but not with each other

Part 32: Jimin meets him again...

Part 33: the aftermath

Part 34: the aftermath pt 2

Part 35: two very different convos

Part 36: Jimin thinks hes losing it

Part 37: Yeosang

Part 38: Help

Part 39: initial discussion

Part 40: questions

Part 41: more questions

Part 42: reunions

Part 43: more reunions

Part 44: last of the written

Part 45: figuring out technology

Part 46: more tech

Part 47: face reveal.

Part 48: torn

Part 49: torn pt 2

Part 50: soulmate convo

Part 51: a development

Part 52: a development

Part 53: some faces

Part 54: uh oh

Part 55: be careful

Part 56: bruised fairy

Part 57: who are your new friends??

Part 58: convo and jin discovers emojis

Part 59: decisions. And Jin and emojis ☺️

Part 60: a plan 🤔

Part 61: telling the family

Part 62: doesn't end well

Part 63: worry and social media updates

Part 64: instagram lovely

Part 65: a needed conversation

Part 66: needed conversation

Part 67: worry and joining

Part 68: soon

Part 69 Taesang

Part 70: Taesang

Part 71 cliffhanger

Part 72 what happened?

Part 73: what is happening?

Part 74: Taesang things

Part 75: plans

Part 76 necessary

Part 77: hwasgi convo

Part 78: goodbye

Part 79: not goodbye

Part 80: the beginning of goodbye

Part 81: prep

Part 82: the last supper

Part 83: what did they talk about?

Part 84: the journey

Part 85: meeting

Part 86: written and Jimin

Part 87: plans for the kingdom

Part 88: more plans for the kingdom

Part 89: missing Jimin is a mood

Part 90: trust?

Part 91: trust

Part 92: missing friends

Part 93: missing friends still

Part 94: tired and Jikook

Part 95: Jikook

Part 96: Jikook

Part 97: do you trust her?

Part 98: uh oh

Part 99: what's happening?

Part 100: who don't we trust?

Part 101: we miss you

Part 102: we still miss you

Part 103: courting?

Part 104: planning

Part 105: Planning

Part 106: pretty and Pretty

Part 107: pretty

Part 108: phone a friend

Part 109: phone a friend

Part 110: jikook

Part 111: the family

Part 112: the family

Part 113: uh oh

Part 118: theories and suspicions

Part 119: theories and suspicions and flirting...forgot one 😃

Part 120: planning and worry

Part 121: fallout

Part 122: more fallout

Part 123: still more fallout

Part 124: trying to catch a traitor

Part 125: which one is the traitor though?

Part 126: we think we know....

Part 127: Meeting of the minds

Part 128: minds still meeting

Part 129: Jikook and taking risks

Part 130: info

Part 131: we need to warn them

Part 132: caution

Part 133: danger

Part 134: what can we do?

Part 135: stop being reactive

Part 136: be careful

Part 137: we gotta do that? Ok

Part 138: ready

Part 139: we're here

Part 140: ...but so are they

Part 141: a situation

Part 142: poor Kook 😔

Part 143: we're ok. Promise

Part 144: worry

Part 145: nightmare

Part 146: nightmare part 2

Part 147: awakening

Part 148: the big group chat

Part 149: the big group chat

Part 150: insomnia and worry

Part 151: jikook tings

Part 152: more jikook tings

Part 153: soul bond? Soul bond

Part 154: emojis and memes

Part 155: soul bonds and rituals

Part 156: whose choice is it?

Part 157: sorry

Part 158: jikoooook

Part 159: jikooook

Part 160: who to trust

Part 161: disowned

Part 162: disowned

Part 163: impulse

Part 164: plans

Part 165: plans

Part 166: what will we do

Part 167: trap

Part 168: acting

Part 169: acting and planning

Part 170: soul bond (written)

Part 171: soul bond part 2 (written)

Part 172: soul bond part 3 (written)

Part 173: soul bond part 4 (written) rated M

Part 174: soul bond visuals

Part 175: soul bond visuals

Part 176: time to go

Part 177: the marks

Part 178: some things are just for us

Part 179: where is Yeosang?

Part 180: conversation with Sunmi

Part 181: conversation with Sunmi

Part 182: prophecy?

Part 183: the justice ritual

Part 184: options.

Part 185: options

Part 186: worry

Part 187: Yeosang

Part 188: Jimin and Tae reaction

Part 189: handling Jikook

Part 190: Yunho is so cute

Part 191: for real hes so cute

Part 192: prep

Part 193: prep 2

Part 194: I don't wanna lead

Part 193: prep 2

Part 194: I don't wanna rule

Part 195: justice ritual part 1

Part 196: Justice ritual part 2

Part 197: Justice ritual part 3

Part 198: Justice ritual part 4

Part 199: plans

Part 200: plans part 2

Part 201:

Part 202: Taesang

Part 203: Hwasgi

Part 204: Hwasgi part 2

Part 205: congrats

Part 206: Life needs purpose

Part 207: finding that purpose

Part 208: wishes

Part 209: healing

Part 210: healing part 2

Part 211: a question

Part 212: keep healing

Part 213: purpose in action

Part 214: more purpose in action

Part 215: progress

Part 216: jikook

Part 217: namjin and babies

Part 218: babiessss

Part 219: the best

220: 10 years later

221: 10 years later

222: 10 years later


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