Calle Börstell Profile picture
Associate professor (førsteamanuensis) of Linguistics @UiB_HF, @UiB 🇸🇪➡️🇳🇴 | Signed languages, #rstats & anything linguistic | Name sign: DUCK🦆 (he/him)

Jun 6, 2019, 12 tweets

After a quick ☕ break, we're back for the 2nd keynote, Katharina Rohlfing on gesture and language acquisition. #LingCologne

Deictic pointing gestures appear early in communication, reflect interactional skills and coordinated attention, and aid lexical acquisition.

Iconic gestures come later in the development. They are more complicated. What does the hand represent (object/handling) and from which perspective (observer/character). #LingCologne

Conventional gestures include headshakes and nods. Like deictic and iconic gestures, they convey and reinforce meaning. #LingCologne

Two views of gesture:
— It aids speech
— It is itself part of grammatical structure

Is gesture epiphenomenal or not? #LingCologne

Over time, there's synchronization happening in the child. Gesture and speech signals converge (co-occurring and prosodically aligning). #LingCologne

Interim summary: gesture and speech form an integrated system.

Moving on to interpersonal synchronization. Already at 3 months old, there is coordination of eye gaze. #LingCologne

Later, eye contact breaks more often, but joint attention interacts with vocabulary and deictic gestures in intersubjective communication. #LingCologne

Gesture matters to the speaker:
— engages motor system
— activates and manipulates spatio-motoric information for speaking and thinking

Gesture matters to the listener:
— listeners extract info from gestures and adjust their communication
— caregivers adjust to their children's linguistic skills

Something (welcome) we don't often see in keynotes: How do we practically and theoretically analyze gesture? Listing models by e.g. @ozyurek_a, @GestureSignLab, @sotarokita, and @mwalibali

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