Scott Stedman (indefinite hiatus) Profile picture
Former investigative journalist on indefinite hiatus | Mastodon:

Jun 8, 2019, 12 tweets

There goes my Friday night.

A slip up by the lawyers for the company confirm that, yes, the company is actually a bank.

It's not Alfa or Deutsche, people.

Thanks Judge

Govt confirms that this case started with DC prosecutors and then was transferred to Mueller. Thus, the investigation pre-dates Mueller.

Govt wanted to increase daily fines to $300,000

In March 2019, govt says that their records don't match with the records provided by the mystery bank

Judge gets testy with the govt prosecutor

In April the govt withdrew its request to increase the fines

So the govt had some sort of concerns that the bank wasn't fully producing docs and/or statements. In April 2019 the govt said that they continued to have grave concerns but withdrew its request to increase the fines because the bank did these 4 things

Those are the main things that stood out to me on a quick skim. If you found this kind of work interesting, consider supporting @forensicnewsnet

The bank is not:

-Alfa Bank
-Deutsche Bank
-Bank of Cyprus

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