Akumu Krad Nox Profile picture
Dragon that loves smaller shy dudes. pm friendly, single 🔞 minors will be blocked 🇲🇽 pfp & bn: @soradezwolffox backup @AkumuKradNoxB

Jun 29, 2019, 5 tweets

well, since i'm not getting any attention from the artist here goes , buckle up buckaroos.

i commissioned @KemoneAt in March 9th and we set up details for a refsheet involving my Odogaron character. we agreed on the amount and the payment was made. he was gone for a while.

he then returned and explained himself a bit, i can understand things get in the way and it seemed plausible so i let it slide, he was having some sketch sales so i took him up on that and i thought no biggy ,yes i know, i shouldn't have, but i did

again i paid this and we all seem to be fine, what follows is him ignoring me for a while, i kept trying to message him since he kept ignoring while he was uploading other work, i noticed he did see the messages and just decided not to engage, also saw this tweet saying hes clear

now seeing as i haven't received my refsheet i found it all the more odd, so i decided to comment on his tweets in hope he would respond, surprise he hasn't, just ignored, also saw someone else with the same problem it seems

then i received a message from a past customer of his, it turns out this guy does this all to often, scamming people and not doing the artwork, i have filed a dispute with paypal now so hopefully ill receive a refund if eh doesn't do anything. I'd advise everyone to be wary.

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