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Jul 3, 2019, 18 tweets

Big brother male casting archetypes
#BB21 - BB16
a thread:

The Old Guy

- Old
- Usually has wife and kids
- If not out first, strong contender for AFP

The Gay #BB21

- gay
- in with the girls and guys
- will probably find a straight to control
- high energy
- usually a super fan

The Wildcard/Miscellaneous #BB21

- usually reserved for diversity or a twist
- big personality
- here to shake the table a lil bit

The Slightly Edgy Charmer #BB21

- can get deep and emotional
- Hot? In the right light I guess
- probably cried (or will cry)
- hot head. will blow up on someone
- the gay probably wants to fuck him
- can be sweet with the girls but still bro out
- has the ideal skills to win

The Big Dick Dummy #BB21

- probably in a showmance
- probably did (or will do) something stupid
- gf wears the pants
- will brench press the gay
- large af
- probably has a big dick

The All-American Pretty Boy #BB21

- usually main showmance of the season
- a fuckboy
- was recruited at a bar
- problematic but have perfected the art of covering it up
- the guy you slept with in college and are too ashamed to tell anyone

The All-American (not as pretty) Family Man #BB21

- The "old guy" of the bros
- usually has wife and/or kids
- you don't mind bringing him home to your family
- not as hot as the college boy
- usually from middle America or the south

The Only Decent Guy #BB21

- too pure for this game
- usually has no idea what's going on
- can accidentally win if they just lay low
- bottom of their alliance (if they ever find one)
- bde but actual dick size is questionable
(Honorable mention to jmac)

Big brother female casting archetypes
#BB21 - BB16
thread continues:

The Black Queen #BB21

- a literal queen
- melanated
- probably yelled at some white boy (your time is coming Jack)
- bb twitter's fave
- cards stacked against her. Most likely out pre-jury or first in jury.

The Popular Blonde #BB21

- in the popular kids alliance
- gorgeous (and blonde)
- the men swoon and she knows it
- usually mean (with a few exceptions)

The Popular Brunette #BB21

- usually in the popular kids alliance
- you call her "the pretty one with the dark hair" until you learn her name
- usually kinder than the other popular kids
- the guys swoon and she also knows it

The Crackedt Queen #BB21

- probably cries a lot
- intense
- all over the place
- great entertainment until it gets annoying
- you'll miss her when she's gone

The Guy's Girl #BB21

- prefers to work with the guys
- will ruin an all girls alliance
- best friend in the house is a guy
- probably great at comps
- her versatility will take her far

The Momma #BB21

- usually the oldest woman
- cooks and cleans (unless she breaks her ankle of something)
- you go to her to vent or for advice

The Girl Next Door #BB21

- usually young and fresh out of college (or still in college)
- the nice guy probably has a crush on her
- a little basic
- pretty
- will get in with the popular kids if she has some bite

The Quirky Girl #BB21

- she's weird but we embrace it
- usually has colorful hair
- drowning in accessories
- probably would pitch the idea of a girls alliance
- feminist icon
- most likely would never win but we applaud the effort

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