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Jul 4, 2019, 29 tweets

At the sidelines of the Nigerian Oil and Gas Conference #NOG19, the Executive Secretary NCDMB, Engr. @wabote_simbi FNSE, while fielding questions from journalists gave the following responses;


On Project100

“The whole idea behind Project100 is to identify a couple of companies that we can work with over time and build their capacity to full utilization”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi

On Project100

“We’ve been able to transparently select about 60 of the companies that applied based on the criteria that was set. The target is 100, by January, 2020 we will now look at the remaining 40 to cap it at the 100”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi


“A month ago we organized an extensive 6 weeks training for most of these companies. Their managers & staff where taken out to be trained on various aspects of project management, understanding the Industry, how to access opportunities and processes to go through”.- @wabote_simbi

“Project100 is not a fast track arrangement but a long term developmental arrangement that must be done in a structured manner and that is what we are doing”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi


“Two of the parks construction are ongoing (Bayelsa and Calabar). The one in Bayelsa has entered the phase two which is the construction of the roads”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi

“The one Calabar, in the next couple of weeks when we get the necessary approval they will go ahead with phase two of the project. Our target is to see how we can get these two parks completed”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi

“As for the power plant that will support the Bayelsa NOGAPs hopefully we will commission that power plant by August, 2019”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi

On raising the NCIFUND to $1B

“The message here is to attract counterpart funding to that level and not necessarily to raise the fund and that was the charge we gave to @BOINigeria”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi

On rasing the NCIFUND to $1B

@BOINigeria is working really hard on it and I think they are about concluding on getting some form of counterpart funding that will come into it at the back of the $200M they are already managing for us”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi

On raising the NCIFUND to $1B

“So the overall idea is to support the process through counterpart funding so that we don’t stop the process, it has to continue and I’m very sure that it will be completed very soon”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi


“Two of the parks construction are on-going (Bayelsa and Calabar). The one in Bayelsa has entered the phase two which is the construction of the roads”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi


“The contractor is already mobilized to site for the one in Bayelsa to kick off the phase two. The one in Calabar, in the next couple of weeks when we get the necessary approval, the contractors will go ahead too”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi


”Our target is to see how we can get these two parks completed. As for the power plant that will support the Bayelsa NOGAPs hopefully we will commission that one in August, 2019”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi

On raising the NCIFUND to $1B

The message here is to attract counterpart funding to the tune of $1B and not necessarily to raise the fund and that was the challenge we gave to Bank of Industry”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi

“The idea is not to raise but to look for counterpart funding to support the initiative so we don’t stop the process, it has to continue and I’m very sure that in the next couple of months we will complete that process”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi

ON Practical Nigerian Content Forum (PNC19)

“The night edition will be in December, and I’m sure you have been following the trend of what PNC is all about, it is something most industry players look forward to”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi

“PNC provides the platform for most industry players to interact, it provides the platform for the board to access itself and for stakeholders to also access the board on where we are with our programmes, which is a healthy thing”. Engr. @wabote_simbi

“We are looking forward to the 9th edition by December, in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, in our modern conference facility, one of the best in the country, so people are looking forward to that. You will also see that we have moved into our new head office”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi

On training

“Since I came on-board, we have adopted a different approach, we don’t get involved in training for training sake. A lot of people have been trained either through #NCDMB, Amnesty programme, NDDC and yet this fellows don’t see where to work”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi

On Training

We developed a different strategy which is the 60:20:20 approach. 60% of our training will focus on people that will be trained and the ease of accessing job opportunities will be there”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi

On Training

“20% will focus on those who already have jobs and how we can upscale their capacity to be able to serve the industry better”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi

On Training

“The other 20% will focus on general training, where we just train people in terms of work ethics, in terms of international relations to enhance their ability to perform extremely well”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi

On Training

@AOSOrwell is training electricians for us and part of the agreement with them is that 60% of the trainees will be absorbed, that is the contract, if they don’t absorbed them, they don’t get paid for the services they provide”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi

On Training

“That is how you enforce people to propose training that will enhance employment rather than training for training sake. We are right on course and we will design the model to achieve our objectives”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi

On Modular Refinery

“The push and the drive we have for it born out @AsoRock policy in trying to bring up modular refineries to support local refining and production of the product in-country”.- Engr. @wabote_simbi

On Modular Refinery

“The board rule is to catalyse these activities, we are a regulatory agency with a developmental agenda as part of it. We catalyse those processes, as they get on we pull out and focus on other things we will do”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi

On Modular Refinery

“We are also looking seriously at the gas value chain, how we can support @AsoRock policy on LPG penetration because that is the way government works”. Engr. @wabote_simbi

On recruitment

“When it will happen, you will know. It has to go through the government process, it’s not a private company. It must go through that process and when it happens you will know”. - Engr. @wabote_simbi

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