Simon Burall Profile picture
Facilitator, democracy & innovation @InvolveUK @Sciencewise @Nuffbioethics @WWF_UK Learning to live with #MS

Jul 6, 2019, 15 tweets

It’s a hive of activity in the Paddock today. Nearly ready for #StarFishInThePark. Starts at 12:00 #Lewes

Didn’t get tickets for Love Supreme? Why not come to #StarFishInThePark instead? #Lewes

And if you don’t come down to #StarFishInThePark then how are you going to get your Merch? As well as T-shirts we’ve got tote bags, CDs of the fab Starfish bands and badges #Lewes

And there’s a bar with Pims, Harvey’s etc #StarFishInThePark #Lewes

So there’s a bar, but did I mention the BBQ? There both meat and veggie on offer. #StarFishInThePark #Lewes

There’s fun for all the family including kids #FacePainting #StarFishInThePark #Lewes

... including the older ones #StarFishInThePark #Lewes

And if you want to know when your favourite band is on at #StarFishInThePark, here it is #Lewes

And if you didn’t get enough of #Patina yesterday then you can get close up and personal with all the models our fantastic #Lewes school leavers made #StarFishInThePark

And of course there are cakes as well #NomNom #StarFishInThePark #Lewes

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