Leonard Pierce Profile picture
Standoff comedian. Conscientious objector in the Culture Wars. Writer on the wheel. Petit-mal criminal. The man you wrong to right. Poli-Ed, Chicago DSA.

Jul 10, 2019, 9 tweets

So tired of Bernie Sanders acting like the working class just means white people

So tired of Bernie Sanders pretending like there are no people of color in working-class occupations

So tired of Bernie Sanders only fighting for white working-class industries like health care, education, fast food, agriculture, ride-sharing, food processing, retail, factory work, nursing, and service fields, where there are no people of color at all

So tired of Bernie Sanders erasing all those people of color from the workforce, like, I dunno, just for an example, the ones at Walmart

So tired of Bernie Sanders only campaigning in states where only white people live, like Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina

So tired of Bernie Sanders and his marked hostility to voters of color, in stark contrast to other Democratic front-runners like Joe Biden

So tired of I mean for Christ's sake it's not like it took me all of three minutes of reviewing Sanders campaign videos just from the last fucking month to find all this stuff about him directly centering workers of color but keep being you, you hack-ass lying hustlers

In case this pops further, some context:

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