Gigi Young Profile picture

Jul 19, 2019, 5 tweets

Ahriman's influence makes it difficult for us to think abstractly, metaphorically and creatively, everything becomes literal and solid- no flexibility. This directly stops our ability to connect dots, recognize patterns and problem solve.

#Ahriman #Steiner

Under Ahriman's influence our subtle bodies also begin to harden and merge so that they are no longer separate and layered, like pages of a book. They become one solid chunk that that no longer recognizes energetic nuances. We essentially lose our ability to discern energy.

The hardening and increased density has happened to us before: when we fell from the higher state of #Atlantis.We refer to this as 'the fall'. When we 'fall' as a being we become more dense, becoming more dense means that it is harder to sense spirit and thus ascend.

#Ascension can be seen as the regaining of our etheric bodies and flexibility that was lost. It is the opposite of Ahriman's influence, it is a lightening. Adding artificial intelligence to our bodies is the path of Ahriman. Once this is done we lose intuitive abilities & harden.

Rudolf Steiner has truly laid the foundations for us to understand our shadow and challenges in this era. In his life he was incredibly suppressed because of how balanced and deep his approach was. I will be creating more content on this in the future.☀️💗

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