#METOO Namibia Profile picture
The official account of #METOO Namibia; providing resources on sexual and gendered violence in Namibia and beyond.

Jul 24, 2019, 15 tweets

...and we have kicked off!
Follow the discussions through the #MeTooNamibiaDialogue hashtag.

Dr. Zealand urges more men to assume an active role in the fight against sexual violence.

Dr. Zealand highlights that we all grew up in sexist communities, but that young men hold the responsibility to play an active role in changing the norms that aggravate sexual violence.

Riaan puts it that we are responsible for the ways in which our cultures drive our behavior - and that we need to change them when they are harmful to certain groups of people in society.

Prof. Segobye says that a burden to change men should not be placed on women.

Mr. Ngamane encourages men to break the system which they benefit from, at the expense and harm of women.

Meunoja reiterates the first pledge of @BeFreeBreakFree’s Anti-Violence Campaign.

Believing the stories of survivors is the first step in ensuring that they receive the psychosocial and legal support they require. Listen with empathy. Listen without judgement.

Riaan opines that there has been no greater time to reflect on the cultural values we believe in, and their influence on the interactions of women and men in our social space.

Prof. Segobye expresses that we need to treat sexual violence with more urgency and vigor.

A member of the audience gives a profound definition of rape.

Iani begins her presentation on consent with a strong and powerful statement to men.

Prof. Segobye motivates women who are afraid of the backlash that comes with speaking out.

...and it’s a wrap!
Thank you to everyone who came to today’s #MeTooNamibiaDialogue.

On Saturday, the 27th of July, we have a conference on sexual offences taking place as described in the image.
Please bring one or five friends!

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