#METOO Namibia Profile picture
The official account of #METOO Namibia; providing resources on sexual and gendered violence in Namibia and beyond.

Jul 27, 2019, 14 tweets

We are about to kick off the #SexualOffencesConference here at UNAM.
If you aren’t here, now would be a great time to head over to the Peter Katjavivi Lecture Hall 1.
[If you haven’t pledged to creating a violence-free society, today would also be ideal to do so!]

The UNAM SRC President opens by encouraging conferences such as this, and urging us to have these conversations more often.

Speaking on the role of #MeTooNamibia in fighting sexual violence, @phatman__scoop highlights a saddening challenge.

@phatman__scoop challenges us to play an active role in fighting sexual violence.

@phatman__scoop ends her presentation with an assurance to survivors of sexual violence.
This message is the cornerstone of #MeTooNamibia, and is the first pledge in @BeFreeBreakFree’s Anti-Violence Pledge.

Advocate Khumalo, speaking on behalf of the Office of the Prosecutor-General, stresses that the courts understand that there could be several factors which dissuade survivors from reporting their cases immediately after an incident.

Iani de Kock reiterates a redefinition of sexual violence.
She expresses that if we want to fight sexual violence, we need to address gender imbalances.

Speaking on the psychological consequences of sexual abuse, Iani expresses that survivors need to deal with their trauma.

Iani explains that when survivors do not reintegrate their trauma, the mind (in its lack of chronology) sees the triggers as events in real time.
This is why, she says, it is so important for survivors to speak to someone.

Speaking on consent, Iani warns that we must not confuse one’s biological (and bodily) responses with that person’s agency to consent.

Despite how difficult it might seem to speak out and seek help, Iani stresses that survivors need to speak out, whether it’s to a trusted, loving person, or to a judge.

Iani encourages survivors to seek (professional) help.

Iani, while explaining trauma.

Meunajo speaks on the importance of survivors speaking out.

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