ReVeLaespa Profile picture

Aug 11, 2019, 89 tweets

Power Trip

Simple lang naman ang kaylangan ni Seulgi Enriquez para makapag trabaho siya sa sarili nilang kumpanya. 2 years worth of meaningful experience. How will she handle the power trip of Ms.Hellrene?

Makuha niya kaya ito o susuko nalang siya?

-Please dont mind the time stamps
-Qrt and like lang mga bes
-Mahal ko kayo
-Sana magustuhan niyo to

Pasok mga bebeeeee!!!

Seulgi and the gang!

Hellrene and the puppets

Side characters

Persday palang boplaks na

Welcome to Villar Corp!

Get get awwwwttt

wELComE to D faMiLeh

Happy ba talaga??



Oww noseeeeee

Ehem ehemm

What's the tea??

R u ready for this??


Sabaw siguro si mareng wends

Bich wtf


And i oop-

Fast forward ng onti

Ang mga pabebe gurls

Marupok daw sila

Yun may bebe siyaaa sana ol

Pakitaan natin ng ASSET si Madam👀👀

Ayyy ano to???

Coz baby we got bad blood


Hala ka nakita ni Madaammm


Wala kang maloloko Jeongyeon

Pansin ko ang warfreak nila

Pare what the fuck

Shet nag drop ng pictures si Madaaaaaammmmm😳😳😳😳

At eto na naman tayooo

Today. 5pm SHARP.

Qiqil mu kue

Tapang mang irap beh??

Galit si Madam eh🤣

5Pm youR fAcE

bAsuRa keyo dYan

Ayyyy Accountant wAnt Mo???

Dance practice🔥🔥

The nexxtttt dayyyy




47 eHem ehem

48 cOngrats daw bHe


50 ay WoW sa paNgALan





55 cAn tHis bE???

56 nAko mAdAm

57 fEeLinG HSM

58 pAsok mGa bAshers

59 tAmAng fLex si Madam

60 dInG dOnG

61 fAst Forward na tayo sa Vacation nila

62 wow ganda ng picture!


64 tHe bEd

65 ang pandesal hmmm


67 sana allll

68 in loving memories of Seulgi Enriquez😬


70 the next dayyy

71 pasok mga chismosaaaa

72 gOodmOrnIng ??

73 maaaaa i'm sorrryyy maaaa

74 😳😳😳

75 awkward is in the air 🤧

76 picture munaaa

77 lunok lunok



80 ayan nagalit na😂

81 tHe dEaL

81 yummerz

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