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currently peaking

Aug 13, 2019, 7 tweets


think about home security. if you’re a burglar/criminal you’d probably be more likely to avoid homes with security signage. now imagine if every house had a sign out front stating whether or not the homeowner has a gun. bet you’d choose non gun owners.....

...homes as targets 10/10 times. well now imagine the government abolishes our second amendment, removes our “right” to bear arms, then issues mandatory “buy backs” on ALL guns. don’t kid yourself, we all know that’s the end game. would you feel more safe or less safe? so now....

... picture being in the dire situation of living through a genocide or a civil war... or realizing your own government is a tyrannical lie planning to enforce a police state like NK. would you be better off if you had the “right” to bear arms? yeah, duh... but now we have...

.. these wonderful new social justice warriors seemingly popping up out of nowhere. we practically have an entire generation begging for our rights to be stripped from us and not even knowing why they actually feel that way. peak social engineering...

... peak brainwashing moving faster than ever before thanks to “celebrity activists,” educational indoctrination, fake news and youth living in echo chambers by worshipping social media on their devices. government is their new religion. in complete denial that the gov would ever

... do anything to harm them. well i’m sorry if you believe that, but take a step back and try to remember the last time our “elected officials” didn’t make things monumentally worse? for those too naive to believe history could never repeat itself, we’re now at a point where...

you barely have to pay attention to realize there is an all in agenda threatening humanity right now. so think about our rights, come to your own conclusions, but know that if we lose 2A, we will lose 1A, then the USA, and then our planet. let’s at least not ask for it to happen.

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