Greg C (Cable News Sufferer) Profile picture
Watching CNN and MSNBC so you don’t have to. Bringing the video clip receipts. Aggregating Polls since RCP is joke. Ya, my handle has numbers at the end.

Aug 14, 2019, 10 tweets

1) So the account MSNBC sent all their viewers to has some really awful tweets that msnbc and @sruhle should be embarrassed/mortified over

@SRuhle 2)

@SRuhle 3)

@SRuhle 4)

@SRuhle 5)

@SRuhle 6)

@SRuhle 7)

@SRuhle 8)

@SRuhle 9) Did I just inception this thread? Did I link to the top of the thread at the bottom of it: time for sleep

@SRuhle 10)

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