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Aug 18, 2019, 5 tweets

Remembering Dr T.S. Soundaram daughter of T.V. Sundaram Iyengar, founder of TVS on her birth anniversary.

Actually, She should be represented as women & social reformer icon by Tamil Nadu, not E.V Ramasamy..!

Here's why..?

- Lost her husband at the age of 12. Freedom fighter Subramani Siva motivated & asked her to study further. She went to Delhi and got her doctorate at the age of 32.

- She threw herself wholeheartedly into the freedom struggle & met Gandhi Ji & involved in Quit India movement👇

- She met Harijan movement activist G Ramachandran and both decided to marry. But her parents didn’t accepted that, since she’s a widow, inter caste issue and he’s Keralite. She didn’t give up, convinced her parents with the support of Gandhi Ji


- Gandhi Ji made her south representative of Kasturba Gandhi trust.

- She opens a free hospital for poor people in Madurai

- The founder of Gandhigram Rural Institute deemed university in Dindigul

- She became MLA from Athoor & brought the ”women's marriage age is 18” law.

- She became MP & Union Deputy Minister of education, she brought compulsory free primary education throughout India.

- She also helped to start the NSS.

- She was awarded Padma Bhushan for her contribution towards social work.

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