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The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in War. Egg DPs will be blocked. முன்னாள் நடுநிலை. இந்நாள் சங்கி. மாறியது நானல்ல, அளவுகோல். Jai Sri Mahakal.

Aug 18, 2019, 8 tweets

Day 1. Very subtle and diplomatic attempt to put pressure on us.



Following the failure of his so called diplomatic taunt he upped the ante by saying non existent genocide, Kashmiriyat etc..



And then started using Congi Language. Hindu supremacy, RSS, Making a geographical issue a communal one.



Rest all repeat mode of RaGa, Kejri, Mamta, PBhushan, EMINENT(?!) journalists, Distorians, Chinese Sold-outs,



Keywords BJP, RSS, Fascism, Nazism, Hindu Supremacy. Basically tweets clearly shows helplessness.


When someone said Pakistan will be neutralized without a single drop of blood at War, many would have laughed at. Again the cost of bleeding India by 1000 cuts have become manifold.


Other screenshots are added to show shallow, repetitive, hopeless situation of Niazi.


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