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📜🇺🇸 Former AZGOP Exec, Member-at-Large, 2022 Republican AZ State House Nominee, Precinct/State Committeeman, 3x Trump voter, America 1st, Faith #Trump2024

Aug 18, 2019, 22 tweets

Kamala Harris' Office in 2015 protected false testimony & was forced by 9th Circuit to FREE Johnny Baca. #BlackHillary…

Kamala Harris' Office in 2015 defended a Prosecutor who gave false testimony in order to obtain a conviction and that same Prosecutor fought to BLOCK exculpatory jailhouse transcripts in the case of The People v Johnny Baca. #BlackHillary

Johnny Baca was sentenced to 70 years to life in prison for murder. Baca's conviction was helped with false testimony of a jailhouse informant who essentially got 3 years reduced from his prison term in exchange for turning informant against Baca. #BlackHillary.

In the beginning of the oral argument in the 9th Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski says " How do we remand something to Court of Appeal? " This showed the dire situation Johnny Baca was in and what are the consequences of one Prosecutor declining to turning over exculpatory evidence.

Judge William Fletcher asks Kevin Vienna from Kamala's AG Office " Do you concede that Mr. Spira lied on the stand? " Vienna responds " Im not certain that he lied. I think it's not clear. " #BlackHillary

In the lower Court of Appeal of the State of California the panel of Johnny Baca's appeal called the Prosecution's false testimony a " superficial resemblance to reality.... sheer fantasy. " Kamala's AG Office protected the lies in the 9th Circuit. #BlackHillary

Vienna from Kamala's Office says " I do disagree with the premise that perjury occurred. " Judge Kim Wardlaw stops Vienna " But the Court of Appeal basically said it occurred. State Court of Appeal. Then Analyzed the Prejudice. " (Prejudice - hurt accused/defense) #BlackHillary

Judge Kim Wardlaw says " See the thing that is so troubling about this case is it's the kind of thing that makes you feel that trial was fundamentally UNFAIR when you have a prosecutor get up, vouch for a witness and is lying. " #BlackHillary

Judge Kim Wardlaw continues " Is that a practice of the Riverside County Prosecutor to put on Prosecutors who lie? And that's Okay because we have this other evidence? " #BlackHillary

This exchange by Judge Wardlaw shows that under Kamala Harris' State California Attorney General Office they were standing in front of the 9th Circuit defending a Prosecutor who got caught lying under oath. #BlackHillary

Judge Alex Kozinski says " You work for the Attorney General, right? " Vienna from Kamala's Office answers " I do your honor. " Kamala's Office had a direct responsibility of every case they represented & they all reported to State AG of California who was Kamala. #BlackHillary

Judge Kozinski says " Have any steps been taken to show that California does not condone prosecutors getting on the stand and lying to the jury in a criminal case? " Kevin Vienna responds " The answer to that is no. " #BlackHillary

Even after all of this in the oral argument in front of the 9th Circuit panel, Kevin Vienna from Kamala's Attorney General Office of California says, " I do not believe that proof shows Mr. Vinegard lied. " #BlackHillary

Judge William Fletcher asks " I cannot imagine that when the (prior) State AG Office was trying to keep the transcript away from the Court of Appeal.. that it was trying to keep information that was inculpatory of the Prosecutor away from the Court of Appeal. " #BlackHillary

Thereafter Judge Kim Wardlaw says " Completely unexplicable to me that (Tom another person of interest) he would be the principal in the murder for hire, unless it was a totally fabricated theory that the jailhouse snitch made up along with the Prosecutor. " #BlackHillary

Judge Kozinski says, " looks sort of bad and would look terrible in an opinion when we write it up and name names. Will your (Kevin Vienna) name be on there. Were you one of the ones who tried to keep it out of Court of Appeal? " #BlackHillary

In the end of Oral Argument Judge Alex Kozinski says " Talk to the Attorney General (Kamala Harris). Get her attention. Talk to the Attorney General and make sure she understands the gravity of the situation. Does not speak well for the prosecutors in California. " #BlackHillary

Only after multiple chances that Kamala's AG Office was given by the 9th Circuit, after 2 weeks did Kamala's Office reverse course entering an unopposed motion to summarily reverse judgement thereby releasing Baca from custody. #BlackHillary

@realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @KellyannePolls @PressSec @DanScavino @kayleighmcenany @GOPChairwoman @parscale @culttture @TheAndrewMeyer @Enerzoa @thecjpearson @Cernovich @ali United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
13-56132 Johnny Baca v. Derral Adams - ORAL ARGUMENT

@realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @KellyannePolls @PressSec @DanScavino @kayleighmcenany @GOPChairwoman @parscale @culttture @TheAndrewMeyer @Enerzoa @thecjpearson @Cernovich @ali THE PEOPLE,. Plaintiff and Respondent,. v. JOHNNY STEVEN BACA. Defendant and Appellant

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