WaterBluSky.bsky.social. 🇺🇸🇪🇺🇺🇦 Profile picture
Just a mom who’s concerned for our great country. Blacktina. Won’t be satisfied until tfg is in chains #StrongerTogether 🫶 #VoteBlue 💙 #Biden #NAFO #NATO #EU

Aug 19, 2019, 23 tweets

Trump cuts off one of his closest friends: Inside Trump’s “feud” 🙄 w/ Tom Barrack politico.com/story/2019/08/…


One of these guys is deceased. Hung himself. In jail. Yeah. 🙄

Did Trump and Barrack not speak over Jeffrey’s passing? Wouldn’t that be something old friends do? Jared and Mnuchin could get a messsage through quite easily.

Think maybe Barrack ran into the guy who reportedly put Bill Barr in front of Trump as potential defense counsel, at Jared’s “ME Peace” Conf? It’s possible. Hey, isn’t Bill Barr ultimately the person most-responsible for keeping Jeffrey Epstein safe while awaiting trial? 🤔

🤷🏻‍♀️ Negotiate Middle East peace, with NO prior diplomatic or political experience. K. 🙄


YES, people commit suicide in jail all the time, yet at MCC - last time was 1988: 🧐


#Epstein bodyguard: Somebody helped him to do that....Yeah.”

Recap: the Three Amigos for over two decades: Trump, #Epstein and Barrack. Trump distanced himself from Epstein. Epstein now deceased. Trump now distancing himself from Barrack. <eot>

I should have said: Trump *claims to be distancing* himself from Tom Barrack.

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