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I Watch the news and post important clips to keep followers updated. Things maybe spelled crazy but my hands don’t work and I use Siri to type.

Aug 21, 2019, 12 tweets

Tonight’s @seanhannity Thread.

@jsolomonReports previews 10 bombshells that could rock Washington DC this fall.

From the house testimony we learned the FBI was vetting the Steele dossier after or simultaneously they was going to the FISA court. Then what we can learn from the Steele interview.

.@jsolomonReports says the FISA court was intentionally misled. The documents are essential to the IG, Barr, and Durham’s investigation.

We must ask the question. What did Obama, Biden, Rice, and lynch know?

.@SaraCarterDC says Obama should be answering these questions under oath. We know people like James Clapper and John Brennan would have been briefing him on something like this.

Good question @seanhannity! Is there anyway to get the full truth without questioning or interrogating Obama?

.@JoeBide’s wife tells everyone to hold their nose, swallow and vote for Joe whether they like him or not.

Sounds to me like she was explaining how she has sex with him.

Lindsay says it’s going to be shocking and damning. He’s predicting only about 10% of the media will cover it.

Well @LindseyGrahamSC that’s nothing to worry about because @realDonaldTrump has a huge army of digital soldiers. They will be sure the news gets spread everywhere.

.@LindseyGrahamSC Says he wants everything declassified so the American people can see the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

.@LindseyGrahamSC is meeting with the attorney general this week to discuss how best to tell the story.

@LindseyGrahamSC you know the mainstream media will not cover it. Why don’t you send it to some of us new media and let us cover it?

Trace Gallagher with update report on Jeffrey Epstein.

Epstein was allowed to have girls trafficked into him while he was on work release.

Here’s the link if you want to watch the Full show.

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