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Aug 21, 2019, 11 tweets

The Delhi that No-one Knows
Zodiac Temple ..
Ancient yoginipura has another small temple which some think is actually a Surya (sun) mandir.if so, then it is a place of special importance where all the nine planets of the Hindu mythology can be worshipped.

Surya,son of the all-conserving Mother Earth,was married to Sanjna, daughter of the maker of the universe, Viswakarma. She bore the Gemini twins (Aswini kumar) for the sun God but soon afterwards deserted him because she could not stand his brilliance.

@astronomysnaps @arpita_pedia @IndiaArtHistory @getmesomelatte @Go_Movie_Mango @MythologyMonday @ClassicalMyths In her place she left behind her shadow (chhaya).When Surya discovered this he went in search of his wife,found her in the Himalaya.He persuaded her to return and to facilitate their reunion, Viswakarma reduced the brilliance of the Sun so that it no longer bothered his daughter.

@astronomysnaps @arpita_pedia @IndiaArtHistory @getmesomelatte @Go_Movie_Mango @MythologyMonday @ClassicalMyths The sun has its counterpart,the moon or Soma,who eloped with Tara,a beautiful Star.
Tara was the wife of Brihaspati.The gods sided with the aggrieved husband and the evil spirits with Soma.

Good triumphed over evil and Tara was restored to her husband

@astronomysnaps @arpita_pedia @IndiaArtHistory @getmesomelatte @Go_Movie_Mango @MythologyMonday @ClassicalMyths @neilhimself @kamlesm ....But she was bearing the child of her lover at that time.The infuriated Brishapati forced Tara to get rid of the baby, who was no other than Budha (mercury).
Then there is Bhauma,sin of Shiva, who was born from ....

@astronomysnaps @arpita_pedia @IndiaArtHistory @getmesomelatte @Go_Movie_Mango @MythologyMonday @ClassicalMyths @neilhimself @kamlesm @IndianMythsGeek the perspiration of the god when he was suffering terrible agony because of the death of his wife sati.
The child was fostered by Earth and came to be known as Bhauma or Mars.
Brihaspati or Jupiter was the celestial priest and sukra or Venus his rival

@astronomysnaps @arpita_pedia @IndiaArtHistory @getmesomelatte @Go_Movie_Mango @MythologyMonday @ClassicalMyths @neilhimself @kamlesm @IndianMythsGeek Sukra's daughter, devayani,fell in love with Brihaspati's son Kacha, who learnt the secret of reviving the dead from sukra,but ultimately lost it after Devayani cursed him for refusing to marry her. Sukra the four-armed,is said to have cursed Vishnu,who killed his mother..

@astronomysnaps @arpita_pedia @IndiaArtHistory @getmesomelatte @Go_Movie_Mango @MythologyMonday @ClassicalMyths @neilhimself @kamlesm @IndianMythsGeek ….at that promoting of Indra.
For this vishnu had to be born seven times in this world .Saturn is the son of Surya by his second wife Chhaya.
He is worshipped as Shani and Saturday are scared to him.

@astronomysnaps @arpita_pedia @IndiaArtHistory @getmesomelatte @Go_Movie_Mango @MythologyMonday @ClassicalMyths @neilhimself @kamlesm @IndianMythsGeek @idreamofghouls Rahu and ketu are also planets,but not auspicious, for they are the two severed parts of the demon who was killed by vishu after the fight for Ambrosia between the Gods and demons.

Rahu and ketu are constantly harassing the Sun and Moon who were responsible for the death ...

@astronomysnaps @arpita_pedia @IndiaArtHistory @getmesomelatte @Go_Movie_Mango @MythologyMonday @ClassicalMyths @neilhimself @kamlesm @IndianMythsGeek @idreamofghouls ..of their father.Whenever the two manifest themselves,we have solar and lunar eclipses.
Thus the temple of the sun God is replete with mythology and the abode of the indian zodiac,for seven of its signs are worshipped here on different weekdays by those who believe....

@astronomysnaps @arpita_pedia @IndiaArtHistory @getmesomelatte @Go_Movie_Mango @MythologyMonday @ClassicalMyths @neilhimself @kamlesm @IndianMythsGeek @idreamofghouls planetary interference in the lives of humans.
(Location: Mehrauli area in the ancient Yoginipura)

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