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Aug 21, 2019, 26 tweets

This evening, over a good meal and a decent Pouillac, I'll be tweeting my Top 20 favourite covers from Baen Books!

Are these book covers bad, or badass? I leave that to you to decide... #WednesdayWisdom

This is a personal Baen Top 20, so feel free to disagree, or to post your own covers. I'm sure you have a few.

When it comes to cover art, Baen Books believe that less is a bore. They put it all out there, which I admire. I'm a Maximalist at heart!

WARNING: if you are offended by terrible fonts or crazy colour clashes you may wish to mute this thread.

"De gustibus non disputandum est."

Baen covers No 20: The Chicks Ahoy Omnibus, edited by Esther Friesner (2010). Art by Clyde Caldwell.

Poor trigger discipline there. She'll have someone's eye out...

Baen covers No 19: Dykstra's War, by Jeffery D. Kooistra (2000). Art by Patrick Turner.

That is a lot of war on one book cover.

Baen covers No 18: Sister Time, by John Ringo & Julie Cochrane (2007). Art by Clyde Caldwell.

Someone clearly liked The Matrix.

Baen covers No 17: Born To Run, by Mercedes Lackey & Larry Dixon (1992). Art by Larry Elmore.

Hot cars, fast elves and #RockAndRoll...

Baen covers No 16:  Retief and the Warlords, by Keith Laumer (1986). Art by Wayne D Barlowe.

The cocktail glass is a nice touch...

Baen covers No 15: 1636 - The Kremlin Games, by Eric Flint et al (2012). Art by Tom Kidd.

Better fit snowchains...

Baen covers No 14: Winning Colors, by Elizabeth Moon (1995). Art by David Mattingly.

That font! That kerning! Oh the humanity...

Baen covers No 13: The Eagle & The Nightingales, by Mercedes Lackey (1995). Art by Darrell K Sweet.

Do eagles eat carrion? I hope not!

Baen cover No 12: Operation Chaos, by Poul Anderson (1992). Art by Larry Elmore.

I doubt the cat is that much help.

Baen cover No 11: Mother Of Demons, by Eric Flint (1997). Art by Larry Elmore.

The mother of all beetles!

Before I do the Baen Top 10, here's a few covers that didn't quite make the charts...

Baen cover No 10: When The Bough Breaks, by Mercedes Lackey & Holly Lisle (1993). Art by Larry Elmore.

Not sure about his miniskirt.

Baen covers No 9: I, Martha Adams by Pauline Glen Winslow (1986). Art by John Melo.

Don't blame Canada!

Baen cover No 8: Janus, by Andre Norton (2002). Art by Larry Elmore.

Oh there's a lot of subtext in those looks...

Baen cover No 7: Virgin Planet & Star Ways, by Poul Anderson (2000). Art by Clyde Caldwell.

Some chicken!

Baen cover No 6: Rogue Berserker, by Fred Saberhagen (2006). Art by Kurt Miller.

Proportion in art can be so overrated...

Baen cover No 5: Fangs For The Mammaries, edited by Esther Friesner (2010). Art by Clyde Caldwell.

I see what you did there Baen...

Baen cover No 4: Bug Park, by James P Hogan (1997). Art by David Mattingly.

Worst. Park. Ever!

Baen cover No 3: Crygender, by Thomas T Thomas (1992). Art by Stephen Hickman.

Serious cheekbones!

Baen cover No 2: Soldiers, by John Dalmas (2001). Art by David Mattingly.

You don't know man, you weren't there...

And at No 1 is my all-time favourite Baen cover - and a great read too!

John the Balladeer, by Manly Wade Wellman (1998). Art by Steve Hickman.

That's it for my look back at Baen book covers. I hope you daw something you liked!

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