Minnesota DFL Party Profile picture
The Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party works to elect strong, progressive leaders who will move Minnesota forward!

Aug 21, 2019, 5 tweets

Oh hey, Minnesota, in case you haven’t heard, it’s #mnstatefair time tomorrow!

This year you’ll be able to participate in our Presidential ‘Bean Ballot’ poll, featuring soybeans grown by our Minnesota farmers! #mnstatefair

We’re the ONLY Minnesota political party (ahem) at the #mnstatefair selling 100% American made 🇺🇸 and 100% union printed t-shirts, and we’ll have a LOT of them to pick from!

Find the DFL #mnstatefair booth at the corner of Dan Patch Ave and Cooper St and come join the party!

It’s gonna be 🔥

BONUS #mnstatefair fun: stay tuned to our social media feeds as we announce DFL booth visits from your favorite DFL leaders!

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