Nick Knudsen 🇺🇸 Profile picture
Executive Director @DemCastUSA 🇺🇸 Writing: @SubstackInc, @HuffPost. Democracy is neat. We have a lot of work to do. #DemCast

Aug 22, 2019, 18 tweets

With @DemCastUSA launching today, we'd like to introduce the leaders who have stepped up to help bring this vision to reality as members of the #DemCast Board of Directors & Advisory Board.

Please RT & flip through this THREAD. It's a VERY impressive group. /1

#DemCast Board of Directors:

Hassan Ahmad

- Immigration lawyer and advocate.
- Fluent or proficient in 8 languages.
- Former candidate for the VA House.
- Has fought for asylum seekers, families, and businesses seeking prosperity for 16 years.
- Follow: @HMAEsq

@HMAesq #DemCast Board of Directors:

Travis Akers

- Veteran Navy Intelligence Officer
- Activist for veterans issues and gun reform
- Co-founder of Left of Bang, a group of veterans creating sensible solutions to end gun violence.
- Follow: @TravisAkers

@HMAesq @travisakers #DemCast Board of Directors:

Rachel Murphy Azzara

- Co-Founder & Executive Director of
@DemsWork4USA, a political action committee for & by grassroots activists
- With @SuMoh7, built a nat'l network of volunteers & coalition partners to #WinBlue
- Follow: @RachelAzzara

@HMAesq @travisakers @DemsWork4USA @SuMoh7 @RachelAzzara #DemCast Board of Directors:

Reginald Oh

- Associate Director @TheLoyalO
- Professor of constitutional law and legal ethics
- Current research focuses on the central role that dehumanization plays in fostering inequality and discrimination
- Follow: @ReginaldOhLaw

@HMAesq @travisakers @DemsWork4USA @SuMoh7 @RachelAzzara @TheLoyalO @ReginaldOhLaw #DemCast Board of Directors:

Khary Penebaker

- Gun violence survivor and prominent gun sense advocate
- 2016 Congressional candidate
- Elected DNC rep for Wisconsin
- Proud board member of Planned Parenthood of WI
- @Everytown‘s WI Survivor Fellow
- Follow: @kharyp

@HMAesq @travisakers @DemsWork4USA @SuMoh7 @RachelAzzara @TheLoyalO @ReginaldOhLaw @Everytown @kharyp #DemCast Board of Directors:

Jill Schiller

- Former attorney & Obama Administration staffer
- Democratic nominee for #OH02 House seat in 2018
- First in her family to graduate from college
- Founded a nonprofit focused on children’s literacy
- Follow: @jillschill

@HMAesq @travisakers @DemsWork4USA @SuMoh7 @RachelAzzara @TheLoyalO @ReginaldOhLaw @Everytown @kharyp @jillschill #DemCast Advisory Board:

Kat Calvin

- Founder & Executive Director of Spread The Vote and Project ID
- Advisor to Ragtag & on the board of the California Women’s List
- 2018 Fast Company 100 Most Creative People in Business
- Follow: @KatCalvinLA

@HMAesq @travisakers @DemsWork4USA @SuMoh7 @RachelAzzara @TheLoyalO @ReginaldOhLaw @Everytown @kharyp @jillschill @KatCalvinLA #DemCast Advisory Board:

Charlotte Clymer

- Press Secretary for Rapid Response at Human Rights Campaign
- Serves on the Military and Veterans Advisory Council for Modern Military Families of America
- Military veteran & proud transgender woman based in D.C.
- Follow: @cmclymer

@HMAesq @travisakers @DemsWork4USA @SuMoh7 @RachelAzzara @TheLoyalO @ReginaldOhLaw @Everytown @kharyp @jillschill @KatCalvinLA @cmclymer #DemCast Advisory Board:

Dr. Casey Dominguez

- PHD in Political Science from UC Berkeley
- Scholarly research about elections and the presidency
- Offers DemCast nonpartisan, research-based analysis on civic engagement and the American political system.
- Follow: @DPolisciprof

@HMAesq @travisakers @DemsWork4USA @SuMoh7 @RachelAzzara @TheLoyalO @ReginaldOhLaw @Everytown @kharyp @jillschill @KatCalvinLA @cmclymer @DPolisciprof DemCast Advisory Board:

Rachel Gonzalez

- Student activist from Missouri
- Youngest-ever elected delegate to a MO political convention
- Missouri Dems' “Young Democrat of the Year”
- Exec Committee member of the Missouri Democratic Party. - DNC intern
- Follow: @RachelRGonzalez

@HMAesq @travisakers @DemsWork4USA @SuMoh7 @RachelAzzara @TheLoyalO @ReginaldOhLaw @Everytown @kharyp @jillschill @KatCalvinLA @cmclymer @DPolisciprof @RachelRGonzalez #DemCast Advisory Board:

Gaby Goldstein

- Co-Founder & Political Director @Sister_District, a grassroots org with over 45,000 volunteers
- Director of Research at Sister District Action Network
- JD from Boston University, BA & PhD from UC Berkeley
- Follow: @gaby__goldstein

@HMAesq @travisakers @DemsWork4USA @SuMoh7 @RachelAzzara @TheLoyalO @ReginaldOhLaw @Everytown @kharyp @jillschill @KatCalvinLA @cmclymer @DPolisciprof @RachelRGonzalez @Sister_District @gaby__goldstein #DemCast Advisory Board:

Dr. Nolan Higdon

- Author & lecturer of history and media studies
- Board member for the Action Coalition for Media Education
- Most recent publication: United States of Distraction with Mickey Huff
- Podcast: Along the Line
- Follow: @nolan_higdon

@HMAesq @travisakers @DemsWork4USA @SuMoh7 @RachelAzzara @TheLoyalO @ReginaldOhLaw @Everytown @kharyp @jillschill @KatCalvinLA @cmclymer @DPolisciprof @RachelRGonzalez @Sister_District @gaby__goldstein @nolan_higdon #DemCast Advisory Board:

Christine Pelosi

- Attorney, author, and advocate
- Dem Party political strategist & general counsel for We Said Enough
- Fmr Deputy City Attorney & Assistant DA in SF
- Special counsel to HUD in the Clinton-Gore administration
- Follow: @sfpelosi

@HMAesq @travisakers @DemsWork4USA @SuMoh7 @RachelAzzara @TheLoyalO @ReginaldOhLaw @Everytown @kharyp @jillschill @KatCalvinLA @cmclymer @DPolisciprof @RachelRGonzalez @Sister_District @gaby__goldstein @nolan_higdon @sfpelosi #DemCast Advisory Board:

Joseph N. Sanberg

- Progressive entrepreneur pushing both the public & private sectors to make people’s lives better.
- Founded Golden State Opportunity Foundation to expand financial security to millions of Californians
- Follow: @JosephNSanberg

@HMAesq @travisakers @DemsWork4USA @SuMoh7 @RachelAzzara @TheLoyalO @ReginaldOhLaw @Everytown @kharyp @jillschill @KatCalvinLA @cmclymer @DPolisciprof @RachelRGonzalez @Sister_District @gaby__goldstein @nolan_higdon @sfpelosi @JosephNSanberg #DemCast Advisory Board:

Genevieve Thiers

- Disruptor, entrepreneur, speaker and investor
- Founder of
- Her companies have won over 18 major awards
- Author of the book 'Love at First Sit'
- Works to empower female candidates
- Follow: @genevievethiers

@HMAesq @travisakers @DemsWork4USA @SuMoh7 @RachelAzzara @TheLoyalO @ReginaldOhLaw @Everytown @kharyp @jillschill @KatCalvinLA @cmclymer @DPolisciprof @RachelRGonzalez @Sister_District @gaby__goldstein @nolan_higdon @sfpelosi @JosephNSanberg @genevievethiers #DemCast Advisory Board:

Elizabeth Thorp

- Editor in Chief of, a female-driven online comedy and news network
- Fmr EIC, Capitol File magazine
- 20+ years navigating public affairs in DC
- Senior adviser: @PPFA
- Follow: @ElizabethEThorp

@HMAesq @travisakers @DemsWork4USA @SuMoh7 @RachelAzzara @TheLoyalO @ReginaldOhLaw @Everytown @kharyp @jillschill @KatCalvinLA @cmclymer @DPolisciprof @RachelRGonzalez @Sister_District @gaby__goldstein @nolan_higdon @sfpelosi @JosephNSanberg @genevievethiers @PPFA @ElizabethEThorp #DemCast Advisory Board:

David Yankovich

- Veteran democratic strategist who has worked for many elected officials, candidates & causes
- Expert on social media & digital campaigning
- AAPC Award Winner for Digital Strategist of the Year for 2018.
- Follow: @DavidYankovich

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