Minnesota DFL Party Profile picture
The Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party works to elect strong, progressive leaders who will move Minnesota forward!

Aug 22, 2019, 8 tweets

Thread: The DFL booth at the #mnstatefair has been packed all day! If you're going to be at the State Fair, be sure to drop by! Here's what you need to check out at the DFL booth:

First, our Presidential Primary "Bean Ballot" Straw Poll! Use Minnesota-grown soybeans to cast your vote and make your voice heard! Plus, you'll get to see who your fellow Democrats want to take on Trump in 2020. We've already had over 570 votes cast! #mnstatefair

Then you can pick up a shirt or two! We've got tons of fantastic merch, including awesome shirts for @TinaSmithMN, @Tim_Walz, @deanbphillips, @SenAmyKlobuchar, @AngieCraigMN, and more! #mnstatefair

Don't forget a few buttons either, our selection is pretty great! 🤩🤩 #mnstatefair

If you're not registered to vote yet, or if you need to update your registration, you can take care of that right at the DFL booth! #mnstatefair

You may have heard that far-right former Congressman announced against @TinaSmithMN today. He's been described as "mini-Trump" and it's safe to say he's bad news for MN. If you come by the DFL booth, you can learn how to help re-elect @TinaSmithMN so she can keep fighting for us!

You can also learn more about the DFL's caucuses, including our environmental and progressive caucuses! If you're committed to fighting for progressive change and tackling the climate crisis, they're a must visit! #mnstatefair

In conclusion, the DFL booth is 🔥🔥🔥! If you're going to be at the #mnstatefair, you gotta check it out!

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