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Truth seeker, exposing fraudsters, and Paytriots. Not a Democrat or Republican.

Aug 23, 2019, 21 tweets

wweek.com/news/city/2018… @tedwheeler
Ted you should sue the proud boys for the money they cost the city.



Now I understand why they are not domestic terrorists..yet Antifa is.

"We’ve wasted all their f—ing resources to make this rally,” Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was taped saying during the group’s latest rally, held Saturday in Portland, Oregon.

“We want them to waste $2 million,” Tarrio boasts, referring to law enforcement“

tasked with policing the event.

“And we’ll do it again in two months.”


Micheal Flynn Jr liked this tweet.

Why is it that the same names keep popping up?

Joe Biggs credits Trump?
Why are these people not a domestic terrorist organization?

Things are starting to become clearer why proud boys are not a terrorist organization.

"Yes, I am the new chairman of the Proud Boys International.” say Tarrio

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