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Pediatric transition skeptics. 'Like samizdat for the sane & ideologically uncowed'. Free speech. Science.

Aug 23, 2019, 10 tweets

1. A father announced on Twitter some months ago that he had his 4-year-old child's birth certificate changed to the opposite sex. Today on Twitter, he explained his rationale to ppl who tried to argue with him.

2. One questioner asked why they couldn't wait until the child was older--at least puberty--and just allow the child to be GNC without doing something so permanent.

3. Dad says (more than once) that the preschooler liked wearing dresses, so they made the legal change to protect the child from a teacher's nasty questioning. Also "almost every developmental psychologist" says a kid's gender ID is set at age 3.

4. Also (more than once) Dad says they tried to "force" the child to do "boy things," which upset the child "she got really mental"). According to the many professionals they consulted, transitioning the child was the right thing to do.

5. The dad reiterates the birth certificate was changed so the child could "wear whatever" and not be bothered by teachers. It's not surprising that the string of professionals he lists endorsed this, because in the United States, this is the state of "affirmative" care.

6. It's easy to blame this dad, but parents wouldn't be assuming their gender-atypical tiny boys who want to wear dresses are really girls, without the stamp of approval from other adults in authority who should know better.

Unanimously agreed.

7. And NO developmental psychologists don't all agree that 3-yr-olds know their "gender identity." In fact, developmental psychology is a casualty of extreme trans activism and the complete abandonment of reason when it comes to transitioning children.

8. One casualty is medical organizations like the @AmerAcadPeds .

So: 4-yr-old who wants to wear dresses has a "long term" problem, solved by changing a piece of paper (a legal document called a birth certificate). And a gender-atypical little boy is now a gender-typical girl...

9. Dad posted this today. There's no reason to doubt him when he says a slew of professionals thought it was a good idea to change SEX on the birth certificate of a 4-yr-old--including a judge (who'd have to approve the change with a court order).

This is where we are in the US.

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