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Welcome to my head. Please excuse the mess. Also on Bluesky: Threads:

Aug 23, 2019, 11 tweets

I added Aerosmith ft. Run DMC to this video of the shadow of a millipede walking and it has amused me more than it should have done.

I also added Lou Reed to this video, for my own amusement.

Millipede walking, featuring The Proclaimers.

Millipede walking, with added Johnny Cash.

Millipede walking, featuring Dire Straits.

Millipede walking, featuring Nancy Sinatra.

Millipede walking, featuring Katrina and the Waves.

Millipede walking, featuring the Imperial March.

Millipede walking, featuring Kenny Loggins.

Millipede walking, featuring Little Green Bag from Reservoir Dogs.

Millipede walking, featuring Walk Like an Egyptian.

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