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Aug 23, 2019, 7 tweets

Why is the Amazon burning?

Forest fires are common from July to October. But activists say Brazilian President Bolsonaro’s policies have encouraged farmers to clear land for crops or grazing - resulting in an increase in fires #AmazonFires [THREAD 🌳]

Brazil’s president has hit back, accusing environmental NGOs of starting the fires. He also accused @EmmanuelMacron of colonialism for making the crisis top of the G7 agenda #AmazonFires (2/7🌳)

@EmmanuelMacron Over 2,500 #AmazonFires are currently active in the Brazilian Amazon. This year alone there has been an 84% increase in Brazilian fires, according to the country’s Space Research Institute @prensa_inpe (3/7🌳)

The #AmazonFires are emitting huge amounts of smoke and carbon into the atmosphere. This is how it’s been affecting São Paulo locals who live 2,700 km away (4/7🌳)

The Amazon is the biggest rainforest in the world and home to around 1/10 of all species of plants and animals. Its leaves absorb carbon dioxide that would otherwise be left in the atmosphere, causing global temperatures to rise #AmazonFires (5/7🌳)

These #AmazonFires are just the latest threat to the Amazon, which has already experienced mass deforestation due to farming, logging and mining (6/7🌳)

One million indigenous people call the Amazon home and are considered protectors of the forest. But many now fear that their land could be destroyed by farming #AmazonFires (7/7🌳)

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