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Aug 24, 2019, 9 tweets

This is one of the so-called smart lamp posts. It can keeps tab on air pollution, traffic and be used for 5G services later. The government promises not to collect facial and personal data. 50 have been put up. Plan is to erect 400 of them

Some protesters begin to dismantle the smart lamp posts. At least five have been seen targeted

Among their tool is an electric saw. One can peek through the gap and see or tell from the sound, though others protesters are blocking cameras with umbrellas to protect the identities of their comrades

Sparks emitting from inside the crowd

A lamp post has been pried open, showing wires being cut into two pieces

This protester, a 15yo student, sprays "Stop surveiling" on a smart lamp post. He says he isn't sure what others do can really disable the smart lamp posts

After some 30 tense mintues, protesters took down a smart lamp post

Protesters at Sheung Yuet Street are retreating after dozens of riot police officers had arrived at the scene. Armed with long shields and and batons, they set up a formation at the other end of the street

Police officers cleared Sheung Yuet Street, where protesters damages some lamp posts earlier. But they also cleared people at the ending point of today's rally which was granted a no-objection letter

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