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Aug 24, 2019, 7 tweets

Another Football Weekend, Another Betting Weekend... Here Are 5 Reasons You Should Quit Football Betting Right NOW!!!


Betting Salary

Your meagre end of the month salary will be prioritised on betting making other important stuffs like rent, car maintenance, kid's school fees, pot of soup, etc suffer

Your Heart is at Stake

The adrenaline rush you feel when just one game of one of your high stake tickets 'cut' could have an adverse effect on your heart in the long run.

Gangs of Lagos

The most consequential byproduct of betting is addiction which can push you to borrow money from the wrong hands

Mother of All Distractions

Football betting can be very brain tasking especially when you are'arranging'games for the weekend which can completely distract you from other useful activities.

You Will Always Lose

A short betting story; I once spent more than ₦650,000 ($1,800) on Betting within one and a half year with a return of close to ₦200,000 ($555) in revenue.

The bad news; I lost over ₦400,000 ($1,100), a huge lost!

Except you are the descendant of Zeus..

... you will always lose in the long betting run.

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