Situations which have thinking participants may be impervious to the methods of natural science, but they are susceptible to the methods of alchemy

Aug 24, 2019, 10 tweets

Okay, at the request of @LandsharkRides I will raise some questions about Grigori Rasputin. This is all alleged information from disparate sources and I don't really understand it myself.

To grasp this in context you must understand that this all takes place alongside the Great Game, the 1800s geopolitic struggle between Britain and Russia throughout E Europe and Central Asia. Many bizarre characters and strange motivations, mystics, soldiers, and spies everywhere

Secret undercurrent of this struggle was mystic idea of Shambala/Hollow Earth/Agartha. You are familiar with Ungern? His motivation stretched beyond Russian imperialism, he was looking for this mystic land/truth like in Guenon's King of the World and many other older accounts.

Many Anglo elites at the time were familiar with Blavatsky and her similar Theosophic concepts, also The Coming Race and other vril pseudomyth. Everyone was vying for power in C. Asia, Crowley allegedly traveled to St. Petersburg in 1897 to talk with the Tsar about it.

Gurdjieff was also a central figure in these machinations. A friend of Stalin, he educated Haushofer who would go on to mentor Hess and nazi Thule society. They traveled extensively through Asia, looking for who knows what in Tibet and the steppes.

Bergier & Pauwel talk at length about this in their discredited Morning of the Magicians. Allegedly the nazis contacted the Man with the Green Gloves, a powerful magician under the King of the World in the hollow earth. He came to Berlin and taught secrets to Hitler and his men

He was the head of the Green Dragon society, led by the 72🤔 unknown superiors. These men were allegedly in telepathic communication with Japanese masters, the highest Tibetan lamas, and the secret nobility under the earth.

Russian nobility was deeply tied to this organization. The Tsarina adopted the tibetan swastika as her seal for writing letters, and upon her murder by the Bolsheviks was found an icon of St. Seraphim inscribed with "S.I.M.P. The Green Dragon. You were absolutely right. Too late"

S.I.M.P stood for Superieur Inconnu, Maitre Philippe, meaning Nizier Anthelme Phillipe, a French martinist mystic and member of the society. Grigori Rasputin was allegedly named as Phillipe's successor, handling communications for the Tsardom and the society.

That is about all I know of the situation. Much of this strikes me as apocryphal or fictional, let me know if I've gotten anything wrong or if you have any more info

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