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Aug 26, 2019, 8 tweets

Anarchist Catalonia during the #SpanishCivilWar had some of the most progressive gender politics of the time #AnarchistWomen

Mujeres Libres: "devoted to overcoming what they referred to as the 'triple enslavement of women'- as workers, as women, and to ignorance" #AnarchistWomen

Mujeres Libres and anarchafeminism: fighting the misogyny inherent to fascism #AnarchistWomen

Mujeres Libres & Anarchist Strategy for Women's Emancipation #AnarchistWomen

Mujeres Libres calling out the bullshit of all men, including companêros/men of the left #AnarchistWomen

“We want you to have the same freedom as your brothers...we want your voice to be heard with the same authority as your father’s. We want you to attain that independent life you have wanted,” Comité Nacional, Mujeres Libres, Barcelona, 1938 #AnarchistWomen

History and actuality of anarcha-feminism: lessons from Spain - Marta Iniguez de Heredia… #AnarchistWomen

Spanish Anarchist Women: Fighting For Equality, and Also Killing Fascists Way Before the Rest of the World Decided It Was Cool… #AnarchistWomen

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