Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇸🇺🇦 Profile picture
Writes about economics, posts about rabbits. For serious opinions/analysis, read my blog:

Aug 26, 2019, 15 tweets

Today's @bopinion post is about Mexico.

Mexico is doing a lot better economically than Americans might realize.…

2/Economists usually think of growth as exponential. In Mexico, it looks more like a straight line.

That's not great...but it's not terrible either.

3/Mexico is what the World Bank calls an "upper middle class" country.…

It's per capita GDP (PPP) is over $20,000, putting it ahead of Argentina, and over 4 times as rich as, say, Bangladesh.

4/And Mexico's inequality is pretty bad, but it's been getting less bad.

5/But here's why Mexico's recent performance is actually pretty impressive - it comes IN SPITE of the country's once-mighty oil industry being in a death spiral.

Mexico's oil production peaked and went into steep decline since 2006, thanks to its biggest oil field running out.

6/When oil runs out, you have to switch to manufacturing and services.

That's much easier said than done.

But Mexico has been doing it!!

7/Mexico has more than doubled the percent of its GDP that it spends on education since the 1990s. And its literacy rate has climbed to essentially universal literacy.

8/Thanks to productivity improvements in Mexico and cost increases elsewhere, Mexican manufacturing is now one of the world's most competitive.…

9/And foreign direct investment is pouring in.

10/Meanwhile, even as oil production has fallen by half, Mexico's exports - 90% of which are now manufactured goods - have continued to soar.

11/And we're not talking about toys and clothing. We're talking about electronics and cars. High-tech, high-value stuff!

12/No wonder Mexicans are, on net, leaving the U.S. for Mexico.

13/Of course, I don't want to be unrealistic here. Mexico still has huge challenges, including:
1. the Drug War
2. building global brands
3. still-high inequality

14/But in general, Mexico is doing much better than Americans may realize. It's not a basket case - it's an up-and-coming industrial powerhouse.


(sorry, should be "upper middle income")

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