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Micky from Peckham

Aug 27, 2019, 13 tweets

I pointed out a BBC documentary showed white supremacists antisemitic rhetoric is similar to Labour supporters. A Corbynite then popped up to claim it had been fabricated for @BBCTwo >

Lets remind ourselves what happened:

The presenter talked to white supremacists, whose material was almost entirely anti-Jewish focused. A look at any far right website would confirm this >

They looked through the signs a white supremacist had made, and this one popped up for a split second. I took a screenshot on iplayer. This is what 'west bank civil rights' claims was fabricated for the sake of the BBC >

I think what really annoyed him is that his narrative of Jews as white supremacists was destroyed. I had shown that many hide behind the Palestinian cause, in order to promote white supremacist style hatred of Jews >

This makes perfect sense when you look at my other tweet which sent him over the edge:

a white supremacist supporting @jeremycorbyn because of his hatred for Jews, using the familiar racist Labour trope of Jewish power >

'west bank civil rights' insisted it proved that Jews were white supremacists. He was sticking to his line in the face of the facts and reality. The alternative was to admit he has hijacked a cause just to spread hatred against Jews >

Because if you look at the timeline of @WestBankNotGaza, you'll see an unhealthy obsession with Jews including white supremacist tactics. Jews expressing concern about antisemitsm are mockingly accused of playing the victim and abusing the Holocaust "victims shmictims" >

Scott 'jewish blood' Nelson, central to Labour's 'Engine of Hate', is amplified by @WestBankNotGaza when he targets an antisemitism campaigner >

For someone showing such a big interest in Jews, it's odd to get the basics so badly wrong. Particularly when lecturing Jews about Jewishness. >

Racists just love trying to humiliate their victims. Here @WestBankNotGaza hijacks the Jewish slogan against Labour antisemitsm 'enough is enough'. It is instead used to support an excuse as to why Jews cannot be trusted to define antisemitism >

But @WestBankNotGaza'goes further... its because we British Jews lied about Labour antisemitism to protect a foreign power's murder of innocent people. So we aren't allowed to define antisemitsm for the 'greater good of humanity'. This sounds v similar to Nazi ideology >

I could go on and on. The point is, the reason this account objects to the similarities between labour antisemites and white supremacists being pointed out, is because he's a case of it >

As I mentioned, the only difference is Labour antisemites hijack the Palestinian cause as a vehicle to do it. I touched a nerve because he is the evidence. We seen this often with Labour antisemitism - their response further proves the point /end

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