keerthik śaśidharan Profile picture

Aug 28, 2019, 7 tweets

A busy examining hall in the opium factory at Patna, India. Lithograph, c. 1850, Walter S. Sherwill.

The mixing room in the opium factory at Patna, India. Lithograph, c. 1850

A busy balling room in the opium factory at Patna, India. Lithograph, c. 1850

A busy drying room in the opium factory at Patna, India. Lithograph, c. 1850, Walter S. Sherwill.

A busy stacking room in the opium factory at Patna, India. Lithograph, c. 1850

A fleet of opium clippers with other boats and rafts on the Ganges/Ganga, Lithograph, c. 1850

All of the above from this fascinating study:

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