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🚨 please follow @saraiycia for the Clexa Social Media AU — Sober Companion 🚨

Sep 3, 2019, 94 tweets

> part 416.

(third time lucky with the damn thread thanks to twitter’s sabotage .. mental breakdown currently pending)

> part 417.

> part 418.

> part 419.

> part 420.

> part 421.

> part 422.

> part 423.

> part 424.

> part 425.

> part 426.

> part 427.

> part 428.

> part 429.

> part 430.

> part 431.

> part 432.

> part 433.

> part 434.

part 435.

‘Right hand on the red circle, Clarke.’

> part 436.

> part 437.

> part 438.

> part 439.

{just to add context: everyone has returned home after games night and josephine is crashing with octavia+clarke]

> part 440.

> part 441.

> part 442.

> part 443.

> part 444.

[—clarke’s prose part isn’t over, this is just also happening at the same time]

> part 445.

> part 446.

> part 447.

> part 448.

> part 449.

> part 450.

> part 451.

‘I’m assuming this is where the argument started to get heated?’

> part 452.

‘Luna claimed I was overreacting and being selfish putting her in a position of choosing...’

> part 453.

> part 454.

> part 455.

‘Right, now you’re just confusing me.’

> part 456.

> part 457.

> part 458.

> part 459.

> part 460.

> part 461.

> part 462.

> part 463.

> part 464.

> part 465.

> part 466.

> part 467.


> part 468.

> part 469.

> part 470.

> part 471.

> part 472.

> part 473.

> part 474.

> part 475.

> part 476.

> part 477.

> part 478.

chaotic clarke is a mood

> part 479.

> part 480.

> part 481.

> part 482.

> part 483.

> part 484.

> part 845.

> part 486.

> part 487.

> part 488.

> part 489.

> part 490.

> part 491.

—speaking of raven and luna, here’s a sub-plot nobody asked for x

> part 492.

> part 493.

> part 494.

> part 495.

> part 496.

> part 497.

> part 498.

> part 499.

> part 500.

> part 501.

> part 502.

> part 503.

> part 504.

> part 505.

> part 506.

> part 507.

> part 508.

—part 509 onwards:

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