David Perrott Profile picture
Learning in public.

Sep 6, 2019, 8 tweets

New frontiers in financial services. Dragon’s den style introduced you Pantelis Solomon and @claudiahammond (Thread) #BX2019

Pitch 1: @withplum
False assumptions:

Challenges with saving:
- Predicting the future
- Trade offs
- Life gets in the way

Plum provides automated savings, utility switching encouragements and investment splitting.

Pitch 2: @commoncentslab
Focusing on defaults when it comes to saving contributions.

Death by empty text fields.

Great to see @bermster preaching the ‘set and forget’ philosophy when it comes to savings decision making. #BX2019

Pitch 3: @wagestream
- Reduced financial stress
- Avoid pay day loans
- Manage unexpected costs

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