Harley Finkelstein Profile picture
Entrepreneur // @Shopify President

Sep 11, 2019, 5 tweets

Thanks #DMEXCO19! It was awesome to share the stage with this crew @BenFrancis1992 @ianjindal. #ShopifyDMEXCO

ICYMI…some key takeaways about the future of retail from our talk:

@BenFrancis1992 @ianjindal @Gymshark @Shopify @dmexco [1/4]: 90s e-commerce was built to take existing brands and make them bigger.

Today, merchants are taking back control of their own distribution and people anywhere are able to build businesses that compete with the largest companies in the world. #DMEXCO19 #ShopifyDMEXCO

@BenFrancis1992 @ianjindal @Gymshark @Shopify @dmexco [2/4] Every single article of clothing that I wear every day, I purchase directly from the manufacturer. This direct to consumer movement isn't a fad. It represents the entire future of retail. #DMEXCO19 #ShopifyDMEXCO

@BenFrancis1992 @ianjindal @Gymshark @Shopify @dmexco [3/4] As a modern retail brand @Gymshark don’t think of retail as a binary. @BenFrancis1992 engages with his audience online, offline & in between. Because of this they've become the fastest growing brand in the UK and a threat to every major athletic brand. #DMEXCO19

@BenFrancis1992 @ianjindal @Gymshark @Shopify @dmexco [4/4] Advice for aspiring entrepreneurs: technology has made the barrier to entry for new brands a lot lower, and the cost of failure is moving towards zero. Think about a problem you encounter and suffer from, and be authentic in finding a solution. #DMEXCO19 #ShopifyDMEXCO

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