Benjamin Strick Profile picture
Investigations Director @Cen4infoRes. Past BBC & @Bellingcat. Tutorials: OSINT/GEOINT. Views = own.

Sep 24, 2019, 8 tweets

Violent footage coming out of #Indonesia after student protestors clash with police in front DPRD Parliament House in N. Sumatra. Video shows people beaten by riot police and dragged into building here:…. H/T to @john_marquee for 📹 #hidupmahasiswaindonesia

Camera was filming at the right time as these men stomped this protestor. Students claimed some men were 'assisting' police. Footage filmed from this location on Jl. Imam Bonjol No.1:…. H/T to @EffiNurmaa for 📹 #hidupmahasiswaindonesia

@EffiNurmaa It looks like someone was filming from the other side of the street. Here's the guy that was stomped in the video above 👆. Looks like he is being detained in this video. Footage was filmed from here:…. #hidupmahasiswaindonesia #Indonesia

@EffiNurmaa Just like we've seen in the Hong Kong protests, police have used expired tear gas on the student protestors in #Indonesia. Lots of photos uploaded within the last 10hrs of expired tear gas canisters 👇#ReformasiDikorupsi

@EffiNurmaa In Jakarta, security forces remain on high alert after the protests there too. For journalists/monitors watching #Indonesia here is a boolean search link to get open CCTV cameras covering public areas:…. CCTV 33 overlooking here:…

@EffiNurmaa CCTV camera 3 (…) large numbers of security forces moving into Gedung DPR/MPR RI grounds here:… in Jakarta.

@EffiNurmaa From inside the DPR grounds (…) in #Jakarta after the violent crackdown on student protestors. This is footage the police didn't want filmed. So many similarities to Hong Kong's brutality. H/T to @roythaniago for 📹 and 🗺️ #HidupMahasiwa

Footage filmed minutes before with riot police violently beating remaining protestors in Jakarta DPR area (loc identified by @roythaniago). H/T to @tribunkultur_ for 📹. Student protestors in nearby areas asking for medical assistance & water for tear gas. #HidupMahasiwa

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