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Sep 24, 2019, 5 tweets

Joe Biden: "We have a president who believes he's above the law. Pursuing the leader of another nation to investigate a political opponent to help win his election is not the conduct of an American president."

Joe Biden: "Denying Congress the information which it is Constitutionally entitled to and obstructing its efforts to investigate actions is not the conduct of an American president. It's an abuse of power."

Joe Biden: "I knew when I decided to run this president would attack me and anyone else who he thought would be a threat to his winning again. Well, that's what he does. That's what he's always done."

Joe Biden: "If the president does not comply with such a request of the Congress, and continues to obstruct Congress and flout the law, Donald Trump will leave Congress in my view no choice but to initiate impeachment."

Joe Biden: "We know who Donald Trump is. It's time to let the world know who we are."

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