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Sep 26, 2019, 20 tweets

Re: GRETA/MOTHER/"Asperger" (...)

Should draw a clear picture of what she is - or "was" ...
In the Music Business,we called that a "Stage-Rat" (...)
Or simply - Attention-Whore

So is anyone REALLY surprised about that Connection -

Going out drinking & partying,while being pregnant
And THAT being the REAL Reason why Greta is "Special"??

Who likes to admit to being a irresponsible Piece of Shit like that?
ESPECIALLY someone like her - Who has always been desperately trying to "make it"

Cause she got hooked on the Lifestyle such a Business is famous for
(Trust me,I know that Lifestyle & the Drug-Addiction'esque withdrawal you get,once you don't have it!)

Then what happens?

You give birth to a Fetal Alcoholic Syndrome-ridden Child which is GRETA (Compare Evidence!)

So you have to come up with something quickly

What better way to tell People your Daughter is "Special"
- Due to ASPERGERS (of course...) -

Connect the Dots - People with Aspergers are known for what?
Right - They can't show Emotions -
Yet she CONSTANTLY does (!)
They also don't assimilate well -
Yet she is surrounded by hundreds of People at all times (!)

She is talking openly,in front of hundreds,sometimes thousands of People (Sometimes in front of an empty Room too....)
Clearly NOT affected by that(!)
She is listed as an "Actor" on IMDb (...)
So would she be able to "play different Roles,having ASPERGER?!

NO - She does NOT!
(Actor-Status unconfirmed as being accurate - Yet)

Prone to Panic-Attacks??
Especially around People???

She does NOT have ASPERGERS !!!

Her Mother is a irresponsible Alcoholic!
Her Mother is a self-centered Narcissist!
Her Mother is a Spotlight-Addicted Piece of Shit!
Her Mother is a desperate Wannabe-Celebrity,willing to SELL-OUT her Special-Needs Daughter for Money & Fame!

Her Mother is a Devil-Worshipper - And even ADMITTED it! "Selling her Soul to the Devil" - That's her OWN Statement!


Her Mother is just a fuckin' WHORE who didn't stop drinking while pregnant!!!

Plain & Simple

She is a CabalSellOut - Sponsored by GEORGE SOROS-Once again - Also has a Handler - LUISA-MARIE NEUBAUER
Who is ALWAYS by her side (Why not the Mother?)
They basically drop off their "sick" kid & trust Strangers to take care of her - While making MILLIONS!

Her Mother,is related to a VERY WELL KNOWN Tobacco-Mogul:
Good job on saving Earth from "Bad guys"
Oh,the Spokesperson for the FFF-Events?
Well isn't that a Coincidence...


Did I mention that there is another Child in Greta's Family - With the SAME Anxiety Disorders?
She has no Aspergers though - And surprisingly,her "Parents" don't mention her & her Problems too often

Wonder why

On August 23, 2018, "Dagens Nyheter" published a perfectly thought-out interview on Malena Ernman's new book "Scener ur hjärtat". The book deals with family living ,autistic Greta and how she became a "climate savior"
One day later book is published

Swedish PR entrepreneur Ingmar Rentzhog,used Greta Thunberg as a figurehead for the businesses of his climate firm "We Do not Time" to attract investors.Radical climate protection organization Extinction Rebellion first brought school strikes into the Game

Affiliated with Al Gore's Activism btw...
Now,WHO do you think is affiliated with that Climate-Firm??
Svante Thunberg!
And he's madly cashing in on it too,investing in Climate-based financial Market growth!

Oh,sure she can "help you" now,Ingmar........

There are TONS of other VERY telling Info on all of this - One thing is sure

THIS IS FABRICATED BULLSHIT TO GET YOUR MONEY - Spreading GUILT & FEAR by using emotional Attachment - Psychological Warfare!

You are all getting SCAMMED!!!!!!!!
Credits;Used a bit of this blog - Which is breaking it down into a Million Pieces - READ THIS - NOTABLE!!!


Still don't believe me?
Let me close with a Quote (Quote by->??)

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