Dr. Hannah Reich (she/her) Profile picture
Future Asst Prof @sunyesf (Jan ‘24), Postdoc @UofNH, swammer & cat person. 🧪🔬🌊🪸🧫🐈🏊🏽‍♀️#NewPI #PhycoSymbiosisLab #NeurodiverseSquad

Sep 26, 2019, 6 tweets

Was cleaning up google drive & found my #APbio final. Switched my topic from elephants to coral-algal symbiosis the night before it was due & realized I wouldn't mind studying this the rest of my life.

A thread displaying how my ppt skills have (arguably) improved... (1/N)

High school me basically thought I could bring corals back from the dead. With porifera?! 🧽🤦‍♀️

Intro slide with token cancer treatment bullet point?

500(!) gallon tanks were clearly the key to all good science experiments in 2010...

Think @LajeunesseTodd would send me to the GBR for 2 months to find zooxanthellae?!

Also 3 months to process & publish results... I wish 😂

@LajeunesseTodd Lastly, in my 500k budget, I allocate funds for composition notebooks and $200 in publishing fees 💰📓

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