Ezra Cheung Profile picture
Words seen in @SCMPNews, @NBCNews, @NikkeiAsia, @nytimes, @CNN, @AFP, etc. Virgoan. Foodie. Tea-sipper. Went to Bruce Lee’s primary school.

Sep 27, 2019, 5 tweets

#LIVE: Although HK’s leader Carrie Lam said yesterday that the San Uk Ling Detention Centre, where #antiELAB arrestees were reportedly tortured, had been disused, thousands have still gathered at Edinburgh Place in downtown Central in support of those arrested. #ExtraditionLaw

#LIVE: The San Uk Ling mystery has started to unfurl as the rally organisers play videos of #antiELAB detainees talking about their detentions and treatments. Despite bones being fractured and heads being bloodied, they say police refuse to send them to hospital. #ExtraditionLaw

#Live: Using protest anthem #GloryToHongKong as a backdrop, partakers are paying a minute respect to those detained due to the #ExtraditionLaw movement. Some say although the San Uk Ling Detention Centre has been disused, they will still voice out for those #antiELAB arrestees.

#LIVE: Some magnificent wide shots taken by @galileocheng to see how many participants are here at Edinburgh Place now. #antiELAB #ExtraditionLaw

“Don’t forget the promise we’ve made under the Legco. Let’s carry on,” the banner reads. #antiELAB #ExtraditionLaw

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