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Oct 13, 2019, 51 tweets

Special #WuxiaCrew Side Stories from #WhoIsThatGirl ❤️

Episode 1 : #WuXiZe a.k.a #MrNorthPole

The events in this story happen in the summer before #WangHeDi first laid eyes on his moonmoon, #ShenYue ❤️

#Dilireba is both #WuXiZe’s childhood sweetheart and Mingde University Prima Ballerina

she part-times as a model and on her last year decided that she’ll try to thaw the heart of #MrNorthPole himself

i introduce #ThereIsThisBoy

#WuXiZe however will do his best to remain unmoved because......

#ThereIsThisBoy #WuXiZe #Dilireba #WuxiaCrew #WhoIsThatGirl

ladies and gentlemen here we go....

#ThereIsThisBoy #WuXiZe #Dilireba #WuxiaCrew #WhoIsThatGirl

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